Under Attack

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As Godzilla begun to make his way to the outer parts of the Hollow Earth, He soon found himself pursued by two Warbats, which screeched at him and dived at him.

Godzilla: looks like as always, The Hollow Earth's natives ain't that friendly. *Fires atomic breath*

The first Warbat dodges the beam with easy effort and bit hard on Godzilla's neck trying to suck his blood

Godzilla gave a roar of pain and slammed the Warbat down and crushing the beast with his foot, with that done, the second oone tried to attack but it was single handily crushed by his tail he carried onwards. Passing by ancient lands and ruins left behind by the ancient civilisations that once coexisted with the Titans

Godzilla: while I'm glad to know that.most humans are happy with us, there are still those who believe we are menaces..

Out of nowhere Godzilla saw a flying creature swoop in to attack, who Godzilla had no problem obliterating with his atomic breath.

Godzilla: hmph, that was easy.

But then, as Godzilla continued to move forward a swarm of flying creatures were flying straight at him. With the intent of making sure he never leaves the Hollow Earth, Godzilla soon realised what species these creatures were

Godzilla: Gyaos...

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