chapter one; smoke breaks and cold coffee.

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i clutched my freezing hands tightly together, the chilly air nipping all 9 of them harshly,
mists of icy air cloud my face as my breath quickened, it smelled of tuna and spinach from my horrible Greg's lunch.
with a violently racing pulse i pushed forwards into the wall of platform 9 and 3/4, unbothered of what stupid muggle could have possibly been looking and keel over on the platform of the hogwarts express, sweaty palms clutching my knees harshly as i made futile attempts to gain back my composure. I breathed in sharply and did a massive wet fart that shook the earth and devastated war torn countries.
students walked and move rythmatically in crowds- making small talk and fondling each other to catch up on the time they missed.
i wish i'd stayed at hogwarts over the christmas holidays, there was only one girl left in my dormitory while everyone went home; a mousy girl with a club foot and an uncomfortable obsession with spiders. she wouldn't have bothered me that much and i could have gotten on with the studies i needed to without the hassle of going through the travel with all of my ugly dirt covered classmates.
with shivering hands i clutch my luggage and lift it upright, not wanting to damage the coloured side; it was nothing flashy, just a worn leather decorated with a handful of miraculous lady bug themed stickers and stained in piss from my idiot pet. rested on the case was Almond; he was a rather scrawny cat with clumpy fur and a missing eye. He was butt ugly but good company apart from when he would continuously lick his asshole and get worms on my bed; i smile and push my fingers into the side of his cat crate and watch as he pointlessly tries to bite them and one of his teeth crumble onto the floor.
putting on a stone face i begun dragging my luggage through the crowds of teenagers, ignoring any odd complaints as i wheel my luggage over their feet and shatter their toes; just wanting to reach the train door and relax in an empty compartment.

light rain danced down the windows, intertwining and separating repeatedly, lost in my thoughts i stared into the depressing weather, the rain was so peaceful and i watched two raindrops land harshly on the glass and begin racing down, it reminded me of 2009.
almond stiffened and fell over rather stupidly as the carriage jerked into motion, rattling the closed doors in my empty cabin, i pulled a deep grey travel cup from my backpack and sipped at my iced coffee with a blank expression but it was boiling hot and really painful on my brown teeth.  I was absentmindedly running my free hand through almonds patchy fur.
suddenly startled by the cabin doors opening i jerked violently to stare at the intruders, almond standing quickly but not very fast to also see the commotion..
"sorry we... we tried knocking" a petite sweaty girl said, fiddling with her plaits nervously as she cowered in my agressive stare,
"this cabin is taken sorry" i hiss out possessively, urinating against the wall to claim the territory.

"well.. all the other cabins are full, sorry" a tall lad spat with equal venom, nudging my feet off of the opposing seat to walk and place himself by the window, he was about 5'10 and a mass of wild black hair rested in a tidy bun at the top of his neck, giving him a cold glare i tuck my legs under the seat, clutching almond to me as he tilts his head playfully or he has passed out from being an old twat at these rude intruders. a second girl walks in followed by another boy both already dressed in their ugly yellow hufflepuff attire, one of them had a green ish tint to their skin making me wonder if they were maybe a goblin in contour or had a bad case of jaundice, as if it was something to show off.

opening my bag i rummage around forcefully, the noise of my batteries and ibuprofen clattering together contradicting the sounds of their akward conversation as silence consumed the carriage. i pull out a tangled pair of old headphones and slam myself back onto the seat in anger, snapping 4 of my ribs. i knew i was being petty but the pure annoyance of other peoples presence was making my blood boil.
leaning my chin against my warming hands i leaned towards the window and watched the scenery pass in blurs of dull watery green and grey through the wet glass, the calming beat of drums and guitars and voice of weezer playing into my ears a good distraction from the obnoxiously cheery intruders taking up all the cabin space, i focused myself on fussing almond and staring into the passing forsest to distract from their faint annoying chatter.

successfully silencing them i began to relax more, un tensing my muscles and leaning back into the corner i was huddled in.
My heavy eyelids began slowly fluttering over my eyes, the deep pull of sleep enchanting me with its nothingness and i adjusted my arms slightly to form a pillow of them against the wall, almonds fat ugly head butted my stomach in protest but i remained still in hopes of falling asleep and ending the journey quicker.
right before the darkness of unconsciousness grasped me the tall dark haired jaundice boy opposite me adjugsted for comforst, accidentally knocking my left knee with his massive elephant shoes, i sat up immediately, earphones ripping out as they caught on almonds startled frame,
"i,, i'm so sorry i-" he began to apologise as i stood up slowly, raising my leg and kicking him extremely violently in the shin,
the boy cursed and jerked over, veiny hands clutching his already bruising leg tightly as his breathing became leiboured,
"he was about to apologise you freak!" one of the girls yelled, her face becoming red and splotchy as she rubbed her friends back comfortingly, her voice was nasally and annoying and her face looked wildly constipated,

i picked up almond and placed him on my shoulder before sidestepping between everyone who had started singing vida loca and out into the corridor, i found a small window placed in one of the trains bends, if it made a sharp left i'd probably get squished into the dents and killed
, almond jumped down my back and rested at my feet, rubbing his matted cheek into the back of my calves. i leaned my head out the window and pulled a wrinkled cigarette from my trouser pocket it was damp with sweat and took ages to light, i'd stolen a pack from my dad while i was still home, he wouldn't notice just a few gone he was a busy man ever since he started working as a sex worker.
after a third attempt the cigarette began to burn and i places its damp edge to my lips, inhaling quickly and bowing my head down into the breeze,

"smoking kills, you know" a smooth voice spike from behind me, causing me to jump and back up against the wall,
i placed a hand with dirty fingernails on my pulsating chest and stared at the stranger by me, he was just over average height and a platinum blonde hair framed his high cheekbones okayish, he wasn't in his robes yet but a black suit hugged his lanky torso enchantingly as he leaned sideways into the opposing wall,
"Don't care" i mutter, turning back towards the window, the blonde boy walked closer to me, leaning out of the remaining space in the small box window,
"can i have one" he asked through the short distance of our faces, his breath smelled like salt and vinegar and it made my eyes sting.
"fine" my monotone voice replied, pulling out my cigarette packet and opening it carefully,
"not a cigarette stupid " he laughed pushing my hand back towards me as i stared at him in utter confusion,
"i meant your cats eye, he's only got one can i have the other" he spoke softly and picked almond up, cradling him like a child,

"that's a really weird thing to say-" i laughed nervously, looking everywhere but his face as he began spinning the cat in circles and shaking him relentlessly and violently,
"so?" he asked again staring at me expectingly,
i looked down at almond and back up to him on confusion,
"yes?" i replied in uncertainty but then screamed in horror as he opened his mouth widely and bit a chunky out of the cats head, slurping his eyeball up and burping really wetly.
"thanks i needed that" he smiled at me politely, my cats blood dribbling from his lips as i turned to leave before abruptly stopping,
"the names malfoy, draco malfoy, i hope to see you again soon" he licked his lips and looked me up and down before walking away with a slight limp in his step.
i turned once more to face out the window in shock until a small friendly hand tapped my shoulder, it was the trolly lady carrying round the best treats she had to offer, she was a lovely lady, everyone adored her and her work. she smiled at me, patiently waiting for an answer,
"FUCK OFF" i yelled and did a spin kick into her head, knocking her sideways and making her face smash against the glass as it shattered and she fell out of the train onto the tracks and got run over, blood splattering everywhere and causing several first years to wee and throw up dramatically

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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