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“New years!” I plop down on the couch. “I can’t believe I missed Christmas.”
“Me too.” Mom nods. “Are your friends going to be here soon?”

“Yeah. I’m just so glad I’m back.” I grin, as the warmth of the fire reaches out to my cold fingers from a snowball fight earlier.

“Me too. Its not the same without you.” Mom nods. Then I hear the doorbell ring. ‘“I’ll get it.”

“Try not to be too embarassing.” I call after her, as she goes to answer the door.

“Don’t worry.” Mom chuckles. “Oh, hello, you must be Liam, aren’t you Autumn’s boyfriend?”

“Mom!” I run to the door. “Sorry. Come in. Sher assumes every boy I say ‘Hello’ to is my bf.”

“Its fine.” Liam smiles and shrugs as Mom goes into the kitchen. “Thanks for inviting me over. “Usually I spend New Year with my hunter pack, but as you know . . .”

“You can come over anytime.” I nod, as Liam takes off his snow dusted boots. “Can I take your coat?”

“Sure.” Liam hands it to me, and I open up the hallway closet, and put it on an empty hanger. Then, as I’m about to close the door, Diantha, Aubrey, and Delia run in.

“Hi!” They cheerfully call, running up. Then Diantha slips on a patch of ice, lands on her bum, and starts to laugh.

“Be careful of ice!” I joke, and they come in, taking off their shoes and putting away their coats. A few minutes later, some of my friend's boyfriends arrive, and same drill; put away coats and take off shoes. Jayce arrives last.

“Hi Jayce!” I quickly hug him, closing the door. “That should be everyone. Take off your shoes, I’ll hang up your coat. The countdown starts soon, hurry!”

“Sorry, I had to get my last meal of this year.” Jayce shakes the snow off his shoes onto the mat in front of the door.

“Its fine.” I nod, fumbling to put the coat away quickly. When Jayce is done taking off his shoes, I grab his arm and I drag him into the living room.

“Hi Jayce!” Everyone waves, and we all sit down, as the countdown to the ball drop starts on TV in Times Square.

“3, 2, 1!” Everyone counts. “Happy New Year!!”


Maybe this year there won’t be any more drama. Because Carlos is dead. And my new years resolution is for it to stay that way.


But for now, I guess, this new year should be normal. No more vampires should bug us. So hopefully this year should be good and much better than before. Wait, is this the end? Oh, tell me it isn’t.


Lets just call it the beginning, instead, shall we? Nobody likes sad endings. The beginning of a new year. The beginning of being a shapeshifter. The beginning of a new chance with Jayce. The beginning of everything. Everything has a beginning, and everything has an end.

But we all call an end a new beginning. A new beginning of an end that will change something.

Craving  (Old Vamp & Shapeshifter Story I Wrote)Where stories live. Discover now