Chapter 3

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Jungkook POV

"Hyung why would you go for her, I mean I know she's pretty, but is there really anything else to her other than her face and body" I said loud enough for everyone to hear while smirking

"Mwo!!, I wouldn't date any of you even if you begged me" She spat back raising her tone

I stared to regret what I said when I saw a her eyes start to water, I don't know what this feeling is, I heard taehyung hyung saying something but I wasn't listening cause I felt bad. I watched her storm off and the rest of the girls follow her, I wanted to go over and say sorry. Wait what is this that I'm feeling, I've never felt this before; Do I LIKE her!! Aniyo, I barely even know her, I can't catch feelings straight away, even tho she's got them long legs, skinny body, her small cute fa-

"Owww" I yelled getting knocked out of my thoughts, "yah hyung why'd you hit me" I said painfully

"Yah Jungkook-ah, why would you say that, she looked like she was going to cry!!" Jin hyung yelled at me, "and also Nayeonie is mad at me now because of what you did"

"Hyung it's just the way I am, plus if anything i complimented her" I tried to defend myself, "didn't you hear me say she's pretty and has a nice body" I said while giving him a little smirk

"You cant just say that to any girl you see Kookie" He said calmly

"Why I've said it to nearly every girl in this school and you didn't stop me then, it's not like she's any different" I said while walking away

As I turned around I saw that taehyung was gone, but I still kept walking. I walked outside to get some air and found myself thinking about Jeongyeon and a small smile escaped my lips.

I started thinking about in class and how I was annoying her in nearly every single one, the way she rolled her eyes was so cu- no stop Jungkook don't think about her like that, Wait why am I smiling while thinking about her, I don't like her I co...

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I started thinking about in class and how I was annoying her in nearly every single one, the way she rolled her eyes was so cu- no stop Jungkook don't think about her like that, Wait why am I smiling while thinking about her, I don't like her I couldn't ever like her, I've never liked anyone before and I won't start now. I felt the fresh air on my face and stopped to just let it take me away, I closed my eyes while I felt the cold air on my skin, but when I opened them I saw Jeongyeon walking with..... KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!! Why is Taehyung hyung with Jeongyeon? Are they friends? If they are since when, how did he get close to her and not me, wait why are you even thinking about this, do I like her? No I've never liked anyone before and as I said before it will stay that way, I mean I know I'm dating Lisa, but not cause I actually like her, she's got a good body and a pretty face, plus her friends are hot too so it's a bonus. That's probably what this feeling is, cause she's hot. Even though I was thinking those things I still found my feet following them.

Jeongyeon POV

I walked out of the cafeteria a little mad with what Jungkook said, I can't believe he said that to me and Jimin, ME....WANT....HIM! Pft what a joke, I wouldn't go to them if they were the only people on earth.

"Jeongyeon-ah! Gwanchanh-ayo?" Nayeon called out to me with the rest of the girls with her

"Mmm I just wanted some air, I'll catch up with you later in the dorms?" I said back to them

"Oh yh don't forget your sharing a room with Nayeon Unnie" Jihyo said to me

"Nae I'm gonna go now" I said while waving to them

I went outside and walked around feeling the fresh air trying to get rid of all my thoughts. It's ok Jeongyeon you can just ignore him and everything will be fine, wait why should I just let him do that to me, wait till the next time I see him he will-


I was cut off by someone yelling my name, it was taehyung-ssi.

'"Ah Taehyung-ah, why did you call me?"

"Anya I just wanted to see if you were okay, you looked angry when you left" He said

"Anyi I just wanted some air that's all" I said giving him a smile

"Ah okay, do you mind if i walk with you" He asked shyly

"Nae of course you can walk with me" I said while pulling his arm along with me

We both walked around and I was asking him about the school and how things were going in his life. I got to know him really well, but i never really opened up to him because i didn't want anyone knowing about my mum and dad.

"It's been really nice talking with you Jeongyeon" He said out of the blue

"Same your the first person i've actually had a decent conversation with" I said while rubbing his hair

"Nae and also i'm sorry about Jungkook earlier, i'm sure he didn't mean it, he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut" He said while looking at floor feeling bad

"Nae gwaenchanha, I just hate when someone talks like that to me or my friends I can't stand it" I said back to him trying to make him feel better

"Mianhae i'll scold him for you, don't worry" He said giving me a thumbs up

"Arraseo" I said laughing and rubbing his head

"Taehyung-ah" Someone yelled out

We both looked around and saw Jungkook standing there looking kinda mad

"Yah hyung why are you with her" He said raising his voice a little

"What do you mean? I came to see if she was okay after what you said!" Tae replied looking a bit offended

"Hyung you don't have to check on her she's a big girl and knows how to look after her self, if she's that sad about it she can go cry to her mum and dad" he said while rolling his eyes

I was about to burst in tears after hearing what Jungkook just said, but didn't after remembering where I was.

"He's right Tae, it's not even that big a deal" I said forcing a smile "Well I'm gonna go back to the girls now, thanks for the talk Tae, bye" I said rushing away from them

I walked away mad and sad at jungkooks remark that he just said, it made me furious that he could just say something like that without even knowing anything about me. The minute I was alone I burst into tears and just sat there thinking about how it would be if my dad had stayed and my mom wasn't in hospital.

1155 words

A/N: Hey guys so I finally posted the next chapter, hope you like it please vote and leave a comment on what you'd like to see or read about. I know I said I'd make something happen but something small did sorry I'm not the best at writing these kind of things but I will really make something happen in the next chapter so please stay and read my book I love you all ❤❤

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