Often times we meet many people in our lives. Some stay for a lifetime, others for just a short amount of time. Those people we encounter, all play a part in who we become and how we are affected in turn then how we treat others we encounter throughout our lives. Some leave such a great lasting impression, greatly impacting that person to want to strive to be and do better. Unfortunately, more times than not, some people we come into contact with leave devastating effects in our lives, that create and cause more damage to ourselves and those around us.
I am a firm believer in treating people how you want to be treated. The world, through my eyes, revolve around trust, compassion and caring for one another just as you would want done unto you. What you throw out into the world, will in turn come back to you, good or bad, honey I call that KARMA. I fully believe that positivity put out there, you will receive positive karma in return, and vice versa.
Everything we do, good or bad always have consequences, ultimately the choice is always yours.
Here is a short story of what happens when bad choices are thrown out into this world.
Happy reading...
The Monster Amongst Us
General FictionWhen you're little you're surrounded by people that you're supposed to trust and feel safe with. The people God gave you are supposed to protect and nourish you, they're supposed to encourage positive growth, teach you right from wrong. So where alo...