just some headcanons about lees art

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Lee has multiple sketches and painting of his beans naked and refuses to let any of them look at them.


George: *finds the paintings*

George: charles

Lee: yes george?

George: you painted me larger than I am

Lee: yeah

George: why

Lee: dick


Sam: *finds lees sketchbook filled with drawings of him*

Lee: can I have the back

Sam: no

Lee: sammy please

Sam: these are really good charlie

Lee: *blushes from embarrassment*


Lee: *painting outside*

George: *comes out and watches him*

Lee: shit!

George: what's wrong?

Lee: I don't have the right colors


Lee: god damn it!

George: what did you do

Lee: spada moves my hand and messed my sketch uppppp

George: its alright charles


Lee: pumpkin can you model for me

Sam: sure. How do you need me to stand

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