Chapter 31

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Levi sat in a wooden chair, his leg crossed over the over as she wore his uniform. The raven haired man frowned before she looked towards the bed that rested a blonde haired women, Levi gripped his fist tightly before he looked towards the floor.

"It all makes sense now" Levi signed as he looked to see the blonde hair breathing slowly "Why you cared for that brat so much, why you didn't want me to kill the beast titan and why Farlan wanted you believe you were actually his sister" Levi spoke to her before he stood up

"I know your pissed at me" Levi spoke once again as she stood up and head towards the door "But don't do anything stupid" Levi spoke before he left the door.

"No, No" Aya whispered as she backed away from the desk that sat Dr. Jeager's books and medical equipment, they all looked towards her concerned as she looked towards it eyes wide "This can't be true" Aya muttered again.

"Aya" Levi spoke while Eren's eyes were also wide as she looked towards the book in shock. The blonde shook her head as tears filled her eye's.

"I need to get out of here" Aya muttered before she clasped her hand over her mouth and ran out the room, Levi and Hanji followed her while Mikasa picked up the books with Eren and followed them.

"This doesn't make sense! I was born here! Farlan is my brother not this Zeke, i'm not the royal family!" Aya shouted as her whole body shook tears streaming down her face while Levi stood in front of her.

"Aya calm down" Levi spoke as he continued to walk closer towards her while she only backed away from the dark haired male.

"My life is a lie! All of this is a lie Farlan isn't my bro-" Aya stopped gaining all their attention before she looked towards the raven haired man in shock "Why aren't you shocked?!" Aya shouted at him.

"Aya" Levi stated with a stern look while he came closer to her but his answer only caused Aya to frown more

"You knew?" Aya questioned but when Levi didn't say anything the women eyes came wide with shock and fear at the mans reaction "You knew!! You knew he wasn't my brother!" Aya practically cream at the man while his eyes widened.

"I did" Levi muttered causing Hanji's eyes to widen while Aya stopped, Levi shuddered once he saw Aya look up towards him, her eyes were burnt with anger.

"You kept this from me! All these years of knowing!" Aya screamed at him in fury as tears continued to cry while Eren shuddered seeing the girl.

"Aya you need to stay calm" Hanji mumbled while the blonde women head just snapped towards her eyes wide, Mikasa and Eren looked at the women concerned

"Calm! How am i suppose to be calm! My life was a lie my real brother is trying to kill everyone i care about while it turned out that i have a younger brother!" Aya screamed pointing her hand at Eren before she breathed heavily "I'm a fucking royal!" She screamed once again.

"Aya listen to me-" Levi started as she began to come closer to the girl but she just backed away from him, her step tumbling

"No! I thought of all the people to lie to me, You wouldn't be one of them!" Aya screamed before she held her head with her hand before her body became unsteady.

"Aya!" Everyone scream running towards the women before she could fall, Levi held her head while he looked towards her concern though he met with the concern eyes of Eren.

Eren slept in the bed that rested in the damp brick prison, his whole body shook violently as he dreamt back to when his mother died, The face of the blonde titan the one with blue eyes that one that was Dina. Eren screamed as she open eyes to see the same face.

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