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"No, it's my turn now!" exclaimed the little girl playing with a toy car. "Fine, fine, it's your turn" surrendered the boy trying to make the girl stop screaming at the top of her lungs. They were enjoying playing with their toys making the most out of their time. Even if they had a few arguments here and there, they loved each other. The boy was five years older than the girl who was just three years old right now.

The girl's mother called them down to eat lunch. Since they were starving, they hurried downstairs into the kitchen. The mother had served them pasta. Pasta was the girl's favourite! However, the boy wasn't thrilled to be eating pasta. Though, he didn't argue and ate the pasta peacefully. "Mmm the pasta tastes so good mom!" the girl beamed. "Thank you, sweetie," the mom rejoiced. They both finished their lunch and headed back upstairs to continue playing with their cars.

At around dinner time the boy was called down by his dad. "I'll be right back" stated the boy. He walked downstairs thinking that he was in trouble, even though he knew he did nothing wrong. He opened the door to his father's study and found him sitting down with his mother standing by his side. He quickly closed the door and ran to greet his mother who he was seeing after one year. "I missed you so much!" His mother kissed his cheek. "I missed you too sweetheart!" cheered the mother. His father sat there silently and muttered something under his breath. "You are not going to be living here anymore," his father ordered. "What? Why?" sobbed the boy. His father snapped "Pack your bags now! You will be leaving this house in thirty minutes with your mother."

The boy obliged and went up to his room and started to pack all his belongings. The girl came into the room and broke into tears. "W-w-where are you g-going?" she sobbed. The boy was trying very hard to not break down in front of her. "I-I'm leaving" he mumbled. She came and hugged him, but he pushed her away. He closed his suitcase and left the room. He walked down the stairs and met his mom at the bottom of the stairs. He didn't even bother saying his farewells to his father when he stormed out of the house. He sat in the taxi that had come to pick his mom and him up. His mom entered and he just couldn't hold in his tears anymore. He broke down and his mom embraced him in a tight hug.

Even though he had just spent one year here, he was going to miss it. He was going to miss all the good times he had in this house. But he would cherish those memories all his life. He was going to miss his half–sister, even if she didn't remember him when she grew up. At this point, he didn't even know where he was going to live. Looking out the window in the moving car he fell into a deep sleep. 

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