The Girl Found in the Woods

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"Breaking news, a young woman, probably around the age of 15-18, was found dead in the woods by the highway, this morning. We don't know all the details yet but we'll get back to you." Watching as the reporter spook, all I could think was "I feel bad for that woman's family." As I put on my headphones, I felt the cold breeze of the wind through my hair. 

"Yo, 'Lynn. You're never up this early. Did somebody drag you by your tail?" 

"Very funny, Xander. That was so funny, I couldn't even laugh." 

"What's up with sarcasm, you should respect me, I'm older than you." 

Raising my fist, "that won't stop me from punching you in the face." 

"Hey, hey, hey, don't get your panties tied in a twist, I was just joking." 

Xander is one of my best friends, he's always been there for me even though he's a complete idiot. One time, he mistook white glue for frosting and ate it. He was in the hospital for weeks, poor guy hasn't eaten frosting since. 

But getting back to our convo, "have you seen the news about the girl that was found dead in the woods, I heard they said it was supposedly a suicide."

"Yeah, I've seen it, I feel so bad for her family. Imagine how they must be feeling. Wait, I just looked at my phone, they have more info on the case!"

"We are back with more news about the case this morning. The girl has brown eyes and dyed strands of hair that are pink. She is wearing a necklace that seems to have a picture of her friends on it. She was wearing ugg boots with a pink sweater that is now ripped and blue jeans. Wait, hold on... we are getting more information right now, we have now found out that that girl is now identified as Amelia Baxter from Seacoast High School."

My heart dropped, I couldn't breathe anymore. My surroundings turned black with no light seeping through. I was falling into an endless pit. Did she just say, Amelia Baxter? It can't be her, it's not her. Right? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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