Part 2

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                                                   Chapter 2: Lies and Secrets

"Why won't you go with your friends to the beach?" her mother asked, hands on her hips.

Vanora wouldn't look at her mother as she said, "Because I'm tired."

She knew that if her mother found out that she was terrified of water, she would be taken to a therapist. The therapist would try to make her like water again, but Vanora couldn't ever like water again. Even when she had to take a shower, she would have a fit of dry retching before she could force herself into the stream of water. Once she was in, even though the water was hot, she would start shivering uncontrollably. The same scene would play before her eyes again and again. Her father pushing her to the surface and then being dragged away. A clammy slimy creature wrapping itself around her ankle. Every night was a constant battle of her self-control. Although she fought it, she was constantly at the fear's mercy. Summer was now her least favorite season. The season her friends would nag her to come to the beach or to go swimming. It was horrible having to make excuses of why she couldn't go and then either being pitied or made fun of.

"Alright sweetie," her mom replied, giving her daughters shoulders a squeeze, "I just wanted you to have something fun to do tonight while I'm on my date."

"WHAT?" shouted Vanora, spilling her glass of lemonade all over the table.

"I told you Vanora, Daniel Peterson asked me out tonight."

Vanora rolled her eyes in disgust. Right after the funeral, her mother's high school sweetheart, had come crawling back to her mother. He apparently thought that now her dad was dead and out of the way, he would have a chance. Vanora had been shocked to find that he was very successful because about a year later, they had gotten back together.

"Mom, why do you even bother going out with him? What about Dad?"

Vanora knew that she had touched a nerve because her mother suddenly choked and sat down next to her daughter on the sofa. "You know I will never forget your Dad. There was no other man like your father." her mother replied softly.

"Then why–"

"Because we need to have a complete family," snapped her mother "You need me here, but I can't be here and support the two of us. Daniel is a good man and is willing to support us. He has already been helping us out a lot."

"And what if he asks you to marry him, what then? Huh?"

Her mother was silent for a second then, "That is none of your concern Vanora."

As Vanora opened her mouth to argue, her mother said, "I'm going to do what's best for us and Daniel is a man I trust."

Just then the doorbell rang. Mom smoothed her shiny blonde hair and hurried to answer it. A moment later, Daniel Peterson entered the living room. Daniel was a tall with curly brown hair and olive skin. He had blue eyes and even, white teeth. But even with his good looks, he couldn't fool her. And Vanora knew she would not just stand there and watch her mother marry this creep. Why did she think him a creep? Because only last week, she saw him kissing another woman! She had been walking back from the store to pick up an ingredient for that night's dinner and the sun was setting. As she passed the park near her neighborhood, she noticed a couple sitting together on a bench. They were very close, talking and laughing. A moment later he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared, she saw the man that looked quite familiar. It was Daniel Peterson and he was not only spending time with another woman, but also kissing her! As she stood frozen to the spot, Daniel looked up and saw her. He smiled, his face showed utter contempt. Right then, she turned and ran back home to tell her mom everything. The only problem was, was that her mother didn't believe a word of it.

"It was dark Vanora! It couldn't possibly have been Daniel. He told me he was out of town that day." her mother had said.

"Then he lied to you mom," replied Vanora, "It was definitely Daniel and he was kissing another woman! He's a creep mom, you need to get rid of him before it is too late!"

But her mother didn't believe her because she was sure she knew Daniel. The Daniel she knew would never go out with another woman. And now because her mother hadn't believed her, Daniel would be in their house again.

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