Burry me at your backyard

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This poem is praising rose flowers but not being specific . Through reading you'll realise by the description of the structure that's needs to be buried. There are figures of speeches that are written in the poem. The poem doesn't choose side so it's written in simple English.

Bury me at your backyard

Lay you down,
As you stand still like a clown
All day and night at the same pose
Yet your name is rose
As days and weeks go by yours is to grow
Sun reaches you bloom and glow
It's a sunny day go with the flow
You come in different colours red pink and white
At night you don't look happy you need light
Sun hits you and you shine bright
Bury you at your backyard
I don't want to be following yours background.                     13

Burry me at your backyard
The ground calls to nourish me
I serve it
It serves me
I stand pale
Looking like a pole
The tip of me underground
I don't expect humankind
To understand
Why would thus understand pleasure they never experienced?           24

I lay my tip underground,
My head shines outside within
For humankind and all the see
I grow and shine even beneath the sea
Each colour on me strives for a meaning
Red for love and desire,.
I don't need designing
To beautify me.
White strives for peace,
As for pink striving for friendship
I mostly get Offered in a relationship
Symbolising love       37

Bury me at your backyard
With natural solid dust upon my body
Anytime I am ready
I will get nourished when it's rainy

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