Chapter 19

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2 years later
The twins just turned two and James, Albus, and Lily all go to Hogwarts and, I'm skeptical of Harry because he's always working nights and he leaves early in the morning. Like 3:30 am.
Aida has two kids Scorpis and Camilla. Asy had twins Luke and Liam. Tonks and Remus left after Aria and Hayden were born. Aria and Me have been training to use our powers. Fred, George, Harry and Draco are all Hogwarts teachers while me, Aida and Asy are running our clothing line and music careers. So yeah that's about that's been going on the past years.

The next night

"Harry I'm home." I said  walking through the door. He must have not heard me. So I go upstairs and.
"What the hell, Harry, what's going on?" I asked him.
"I-ummmmmm." Harry said "Well I'm waiting for a reason Harry James Potter." I stared to raise my voice.
"Ginvera Weasly. Why are you nake- No,no,no,no,no this can't be happening." I said starting to tear up. "3 years of marriage, 5 kids and you still cheated in my, you know what fuck you harry, fuck you too Ginny." I said leaving without giving him time to talk. George was downstairs and he saw me crying. " Cora what happened?" George asked.
"Go upstairs and into my room." I said and he went up then I heard screaming. George was yelling at Harry and Ginny. "Cora I'm so sorry, wanna hug?" George said so he gave me a hug and I felt comfort. "Cora what happened? Where's Harry?" Aida asked. "He's upstairs half naked with Ginny Weasly." I said. "Oh hell no." Asy said and they both marched up there and fucking put Harry in his place. I heard glass smashed. Then they came back downstairs with Harry and Ginny and they threw them out. Me and George just sat there in amazement. "You're coming to love  at the burrow. Both of you." Asy said pointing her finger at me and George.
"Ok, I'll get the kids and I'll leave tonight. I'm still shocked that he would do that." I said crying still
What the fuck did I just do? Why?  "HARRY JAMES POTTER, YOU AND GINNY ARE BOTH BANNED FROM THE MANOR. YOU HURT CORA AND YOU LOST MY TRUST. BURN IN HELL!" Aida said dragging me and Ginny out of the door. So me and Ginny left.
"Come on Cora, let's go burn Harry's stuff." Asy said with her psychopath smile. So all of us besides Ginny and Harry, went out to the back and burned Harry's stuff. Then me and my kids packed our stuff up and left the manor to live at the burrow, but Harry has custody of Albus and Lily. So they left with him.
At the burrow
"Welcome dearie, I'm so sorry about Harry. Luckily George was there to comfort you." Molly said giving me a hug.
"You can sleep in George's room, Fred and Asy can sleep in Fred's new room." Molly said "I can take the couch. You don't have to kick Fred out of his own room." I said  " Oh don't be so stubborn, you're just like your godfather." She said.
"Well I'll be bringing my things upstairs, come on kids." I said as me, James, and the twins went upstairs and unpacked our stuff.
"Mom, is dad coming back, to see me get into the train?" James said
"I don't know baby. I don't think dads coming back." I said starting to tear up
"Mom don't cry, I know you'll be happy again. What about George?" James said "Oh honey George has been very kind to us, but stop playing matchmaker." I said then George came into check on us.
"Hey little man, twins, Cora, how's unpacking going?" George said
"Good trying to finish. James go downstairs and help Molly with dinner." I said " Ok mom." James said running downstairs to help Molly with dinner.
"Hey George. Can you help me build the cribs?" I asked "Sure, I'll help." George said so about after an hour we got done with the cribs and I put Aria and Hayden to bed. It was 10 pm and we had to head to bed. I slept in George's room ina separate bed. James and the twins slept in Ginnys old room. And the we had all gone to bed.

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