BlueRevenge. 22

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"Are you sure youre going the right way Naruto?" The pinkette questioned as she trailed behind the blonde who was focused as his eyes were forward "Yes...i can sense it...this way!"grabbing her hand and he picked up the pace and they ran through the forest in a path

"N-naruto!" She calls out struggling to keep up but pulls through "Sakura come on...were almost there" he urges as they have been one the road for three days and closing in as the blonde uses his tailed beast power to track the sanin chakra.


"Still not tired yet?...?" You asked still panting from the intimate moment for the 3rd time in the past few days, watching as Orochimaru stood slipping his shirt on and gave you a smirk "No...But you cant possible keep up with the amount of times i go angel.." He says with a grin

Sitting up with a little dizziness as the sheets slipped off you revealing many marks and love bites from your neck down humming in content as you tilted your head side to side streching a little and got up and made your way to freshen up and possibly clear this dizziness.

Getting out and dressed your usual outfit you walked put to find the sanin. You had something on your mind to ask him. Not finding him where his usually is inside you walk out to the clearing seeing him on the boulder right in the sunlight

Running to the boulder your path was cut as a huge blue chakra orb flew right passed you causing you to jump back "what in the hell?" You said standing up and saw two figures standing in the distance "I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come here.." Orochimaru said still on the boulder

The two stepped out of the shade of the tree into the clearing a blonde male and pinkette "I knew it! You're gonna pay for what you did!" The blonde shouted mostly looking at you there was fire in his eyes.

You narrowed your eyes a bit in confusion but then it clicked, its him... Its that guy, but why us he here... You thought to yourself but your thoughts get cut off as another blue chakra orb at you it which you nearly didn't see coming and dodged in time

Facing the enemy in the eye the blonde was boiling with rage as red chakra surrounded his being "Thats the girl..?" Sakura asked eyeing her curiously as she stood beside naruto not noticing his rage build up, she knows a thing or two about taking her eye off the enemy but that girl

" Stay back sakura... I'll take care of both of them" Naruto growled as two chakra tails were already flowing behind him "Naruto wait..." She said holding back his shoulder to which the blonde ignored and spawned a swarm of shadow cloans with red beast eyes all forming large reasengan and throwing them in one go causing a massive charka explosion which needed the pinkette to get some cover as we


As the smoke clears the sanin was already in front of you shielding from the sudden attack, covering your nose and mouth from the dust and smoke you look at Orochimaru who seemed fine as he turned around he took a massive blow to his back but he looks relaxed "Alright...allow me to end this angel.." He said lazily stepping forward but you stoop infront of him faster "No.. This is my fight that guy is clearly aiming all this at me.. I'll take care of it" you said keeping intense eye contact with the blonde

Be careful... Hes a Jinchuriki

You widened your eyes a bit "Jinchuriki...after me? Why? " you said under your breath

Don't you remember?

"Remember what?" You whisper yell and waiting for a response but got nothing "Kaigu?" You called for him but got nothing and the shadow clones were preparing more chakra orbs.

Making hand signs as the chakra accumulates in your lungs and you blow out massive blast of fire that takes shape of a dragon. Altough the technique lasts a few seconds its hot enough to melt the ground and rocks into magma "What a shame...i really liked that rock" Orochimaru hummed you turned around to an unharmed sanin as the area was filled with smoke "Who are those guys Orochimaru?" You ask for clarity and he placed a hand on your shoulder "Quite not the time to explain... Use the little gift i gave you and finish them" he says in your ear and the smoke clears

Turing back as his hand lifts off your shoulder and run towards the blonde to catch him off gaurd as his attention was at the girl momentarily, with a leap right at him you get roughtly caught by five tails as they tighten their grip around you, in a major distress the curse mark slowly activates but as the veins grow the more painful it gets as your body constantly rejects the chakra causing you to go numb


The blonde made the tail cast you aside "Its those veins again...stay back dont let her touch you!" Naruto announced using his tails to shield sakura watching as you slowly stand up walking to them. "Naruto... Doesnt she look familiar?" Sakura asks looking at you. Having no idea why you look so vaguely familiar

The blonde is too enranged to listen and orders a clone to take sakura a safe distance and using his hands to form a black orb of chakra "Alright then take this!" He throws the energy orb much like a beast bomb the size of a blouder right at you

"Naruto wait!" She shouts when carried away "Dont worry...hes fine" the clone says and places her down she was about to reltaliate until the explosion gets high enough over the trees followed by a gust of wind and then the ear bursting sound errupts making the clone pop

"Whats goin on here..." A voice says as someone lands beside her, looking up she smiles "Sensei!.. " she says standing up right as she uncovers her ears looking behind shikamaru and kiba were following as well "was that..?" Shikamaru asks gesturing to the sudden explosion in the distance and sakura nodded about to explain until the screech of a beast caught their attention

Turing towards it the head of a large salamader peaks its head up from the trees and swung its tail making the ground shake "Sensei..could that?" Kiba asks and Kakashi adjusts his headband "I know that salamader anywhere.."

-.-.-.-.- End of chapter -.-.-.-.-.-

Finally the chapter is here.. Sorry about that wattpad WOULDN'T let me publish for some reason it kept saying "no internet" i checked my wifi and stuff but nOooo! Ugh anyway vote and comment your thoughs pwease and tank u <3~

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