GTGP : gyuri the chicken

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Gyuri wakes up with a busted lip but a smile adorning her face nonetheless, the main reason of her good mood lying beside her. She takes in the numbness on her arm and she looks down to see her reason lying her head on her arm as her hand protectively shields her bedmate's forehead. She feels the smooth plaster placed on the girl's forehead, and a wider smile grows on her face.

She remembers what happened yesterday.


Gyuri had come into a realization and that is that she loves the height difference between her and Jisun. If they're going to to test it without any cheatings (Jisun hates being teased about her height that's why she always wear heels or shoes with big soles), she is sure that her lips are at the perfect height to kiss the younger's forehead. That thought alone makes her insides flutter as the the imaginary pictures of her lips pressed on Jisun's forehead floats in her mind. For some reason, it makes her giddy and happy. She finds it quite...weird. But nonetheless, it still brings happiness to her.

It's an early Thursday morning in for the girls, well, for those who are awake, at least.

Hayoung keeps herself entertained with her phone, looking up new clothes in a shopping app that she badly wants to share with her roommates, but with the thought of how late they went to bed last night, the second oldest refrains herself from it.

Seoyeon, who's been rattled by Jisun's clumsy steps on the second floor, opts to staring at the top of her bunk, wondering if she's going to order food this early or ask either her Saerom unnie or Hayoung unnie to whip up something for her. She grabs her plushie and hugs it, now wondering if she's going to go down and cuddle with Jiwon or just stay in the confines of her blankets.

Jisun, however, is already making productive progress as she steps out to the balcony, sunrays hitting her skin as she closes her eyes, stretching out her arms on her side, feeling the cool morning air.

After a few minutes of just breathing in and letting her skin adjust under the sun, Jisun returns inside and closes the sliding door, grabbing her bag from her bed and goes down the stairs, unaware that she had awakened another member.

The third oldest waits as the almost silent footsteps pass by her door before tiptoeing out of her room.

Gyuri peaks from the corner as she watches Jisun slips her shoes on, already dressed to go out. Though Gyuri hated math back when she was in school, her eyes and mind can't help but calculate the exact height the younger girl has as she stands up, finally finished with tying her shoelaces. Jisun feels eyes from behind and so she turns, surprised that Gyuri was already up. She smiles when Gyuri steps out of the corner, approaching her after she learned that she was spotted. "How come you're already up? You usually don't wake up until 10."

"I heard you going down the stairs." Gyuri says, stopping just in front of the girl. She blinks her eyes and stares at the girl's outfit. "Where are you going?"

"Gym. It's my last day before I continue again next week." Jisun turns the doorknob, already turning her back from the girl but Gyuri reaches for her free hand. Jisun looks back at the older and raises her eyebrows, confused as to why the girl stopped her.

Gyuri leans and pulls the door to close again, also grabbing Jisun's other hand that was on the doorknob. She makes the girl face her and smiles. She pulls Jisun into a hug and closes her eyes, loving that feeling she always gets whenever the younger girl's close to her.

"Is this a goodbye hug? It's not like I'm gonna be away forever. It's just 3 hours." Jisun asks, chuckling when Gyuri only answers with a hum. Jisun returns the hug and wraps her arms around Gyuri's neck, patting Gyuri's head since she knows that the older girl likes it no matter how much she denies.

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