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 Hey!!!! KyoukoKairi here. This is the first story I've posted so far and after rewriting it two times, I actually came out pretty decent. Please comment or add to your library!!!!!

The day was cold. Vivid. I had slid deep into the warn wraths of my sweater and parka. Meaning to have done it the night before, I quickly got out my dark brown duct tape. I stretched its base over the core of a hole in my worn out, weathered satchel. Most kids at school had schoolbags, some had suitcases. I had a satchel that I found once at a garage sale.

Just before I could cut the tape and slap it on to my satchel, the bus whizzed past and I slung my satchel over my shoulder and ran immediately out the open front door. "Bye mom!" I called. I sped down the street after my bus but with my house being the last stop, it kept on going until it met the intersection. I stopped, out of breath, and considered my options. I decided to ride my bike.

I raced back home and jumped on my bike. It was in poor condition, being that it was a hand-me-down from my older brother who was now away at college to pursue the career of a lawyer. I checked my watch as I pushed the rusted old pedals to their limit. School was just a couple of blocks away and if I hurried, I could make it by the second bell.

I sped along the edge of the intersection and then down Chamelio Ave. I took a right, then a left, and then another left, and just as the first bell rang, I arrived at school. I leaned my bike against the aged bike rack near the front doors, just realizing I had forgotten my bike chains. I couldn't go back without my mother questioning me and the second bell was about to ring, so I just propped the bike on the kickstand and raced inside.

I ran down the hallway to the very last door. I ran in just as the bell rang. Mr. Wilson gave me a questioning look as if he were debating to mark me tardy or not. He decided to save himself the trouble and waved me over to my seat in the front of the class.

That afternoon, I waited until the last bell to be dismissed. Just as I had rounded the corner, Mr. Wilson called me back. I turned around and walked back to his room where he was waiting for me outside the door. "Jake," he said. "I just finished grading yesterday's tests. You left some of the test blank and the questions you did answer were wrong. You happened to have failed it. Now listen, I know; you know that you can do much better. Any problems at home?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"No sir," I answered back shrugging, "I just couldn't get focused. Lot's of stuff going on."


"Like basketball sir. Next week's the last game of the season. I've been trying to squeeze in some extra shooting time."

"I see. Is this all?"

"Yes sir."

Mr. Wilson rubbed his eye. "Okay then. Tell you what- since this kind of grade is unusual for you, I'll let you retake it tomorrow. That sound good?"

"Yes sir. Thank you very much." I turned to leave.

"You have a good day Jake," called Mr. Wilson. I turned around.

"You too!" I felt proud for being given a second chance and was pretty bubbly until I got outside. I groaned. My bike was gone and the air had gotten much colder. I realized I would have to walk home and it was going to take much longer. I tightened my scarf and hat and zipped up my turquoise parka. I started to walk and just as I reached the end of the street, it started to snow lightly.

I turned left and took a shortcut across the park to get home. The leaves underfoot crunched and swayed and the snow melted on my warm bare hands. Suddenly I heard someone calling my name.

"Jake! Jake!" I jumped around to see a girl and a small dog running towards me. I squinted through the falling snow and as she got closer, I realized it was Jasmine. She was in almost all of my classes and we were good friend at school. "Hey!" she said as she stopped in front of me. "What's up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2011 ⏰

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