Scheduling the C-section

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"Happy birthday Logie" Kendall says as he came into the downstairs bedroom where Logan was sleeping cause Logan stayed mostly downstairs cause it was easier on him with the pregnancy and all

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he kisses Kendall

"Welcome the kids will be visiting you through the day and giving you your presents" Kendall says as he was going to feed Logan his breakfast

"Ah that is so sweet" Logan says as he was enjoying his breakfast cause he was eating for three now and he was loving it

"Yeah, you are going to be spoiled so rest today Logie and you lift a finger I will take care of you and our angels" Kendall says as they kissed

"Can I have some tea?" Logan ask shim cause he was a little cold

"Sure, after you eat, I'll get you some tea, cause you have to take your pills" Kendall says as he was looking at him

Logan was glad he was going to have some tea, and spend the day with his kids as well and just enjoy the moments he had with all of them

"Well, my little angel's papa gets to be with you" he says as he was talking to his stomach where the babies were

Logan was going to play it cool until he has the babies, and he was going to plan Kendall's party as well and he was going to keep it concealed, so Kendall didn't know what he had up his sleeve, and Logan got to spend some one-on-one time with the kids as they brought him their gifts for his birthday, and he loved all of them the same  

"Kenny, we have to get started on the nursery" Logan calls to him cause he was also working on the nursery

"Already ahead of you Logie" Kendall says as he came back to see Logan and see what he was doing right now

"How?" Logan asks him cause he was curious himself what Kendall had up his sleeve for the nursery

"I started the clothes part of it all cause it's going to be a challenge to find outfits that can be altered for our babies cause they are going to be really different dressing our babies in the same clothes with how they are joined

"Yeah, diapering is going to be a challenge as well as feeding and getting them into car seats as well" Logan says as he was going to make the name list for the babies cause they were going to work on names in the future

(Months later)

Logan was not excessively big for being seven months pregnant with twins cause he was always running after the other kids and little ones as well, so there was barely anytime to eat, and Logan had been doing virtual appointments for the kids when they were sick or they were scared about getting sick, and the other appointments were on the backburner until this blows over

"Today the doctor is coming for the home visit to see about the girls" Logan says cause he had the exam room set up for all of his appointments cause this virus to put him at risk for the twins

Logan was excited cause he was going to meet the twins soon cause that day they were going to schedule the c-section for the birth of the twins cause he was going to be in the hospital for a while after he has the twins as well, and the twins were going to be in the hospital after they are born cause Kendall and Logan are going to have them separated cause they didn't have much luck on finding a way to diaper the girls at the same time on how they were conjoined, so it is going to be easier on them after they are released

"That must be in the doctor" Kendall says cause the kids were watching a movie in the theatre cause with the virus they could not go out like they like so they were suck inside unless it was nice then they played outside

Logan was already in his gown and ready for the appointment cause he was ready to be done with this pregnancy in general as well

The c-section is coming hang tight right now cause of work

Part 2 of this chapter is up

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