Chapter 12

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"I know, however, I'm too curious about the taste. Don't wonder more, as I have never step foot out since the new birth." / "Well cared?"

"Too much, it was suffocating me." Her words made Jasper more intrigued about her lifestyle and past, especially with eyes that are a mix of two diverse colors. He knew that she does drink human blood but the gorgeous gold was the opposite is what he could guess.

Before he could ask Lisa had come back with their food and drink, leaving as fast as she arrived. Jasper can feel just how excited and happy Dorothea was and it also influenced his mood.

Without any taught, Dorothea had shoved a spoonful of scrambled egg in her mouth only for it to be out again. Jasper gave out a chortle seeing her stick out her tongue in loathing but her eyes held a gloomy look as she wasn't anticipating it to taste that corrupt.

Jasper gave her his glass of water to wash away the taste since water is the most tourable food source their body would take. "You seem to be very new with this lifestyle seeing how innocent you are to this thing."

"Doubt it." Dorothea let out a giggle, taking the napkin to gracefully clean her lips, "I'm pretty sure I'm elder than you. Have been with most the vampires that I have met, that is."

"Try me, darling."

"Well, I'm born in the year 1551 and I'm pretty sure with that southern accent you have there and how you seem to have quite the confidence about this topic. You must be born in the 1800s centries time." Dorothea was puzzled why she was speaking about this topic to Jasper someone she just met when she wouldn't even mention to Edward, Emmet, and Rose what year she was born.

It somehow comes out like word vomit.

"Darn it, I was hoping you were wrong but you got me there. Born and raised in Houston, Texan in 1844,"

Dorothea couldn't help it but every second she spends with Jasper she would notice how her body reacted differently when she is around men, she finds herself aching to spend more time with him and maybe acquire to know about him than this small talk and jokes they been having for the last 30 minutes.

But when Esme's words linger in her mind about, not following strangers made her realize how she is communicating with one another and even opening up a little. "My, look at the time. It was nice meeting you Jasper Whitlock, but I must go. Do excuse me," Dorothea didn't wait for a response and got up to leave but not after leaving money and a tip for Lisa.

She was scared by how she was opening up too fast with Jasper and this weird feeling of butterflies. She guesses. Jasper didn't go after her as he senses her emotion but mostly he, himself knew that it was going to take time for Dorothea to open up with him so it was more reliable to always give her space to tidy her thoughts.


It's been 2 days considering she last saw Jasper and genuinely, she felt lonely and sad that her cheerful side went away alongside her excitement to roam the small town

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It's been 2 days considering she last saw Jasper and genuinely, she felt lonely and sad that her cheerful side went away alongside her excitement to roam the small town. However, today is going to be different is what Dorothea was determined to achieve as she heard from a local that today is a special day when the town is holding a small dance party downtown.

Dorothea of course needed to go as it's been on her to-do list since she was a child to go to a not high-class party where manners and etiquette are not important but what she didn't expect was to meet the similar pair of red eyes that immediately went to hers when she enters the party.

She remarks how Jasper wasn't alone and was alongside 2 other vampires with similar eye colors. The pair didn't drop their passionate eye contact and Jasper's friends started noticing his eyes and mind were drifting off somewhere else.

Dorothea was the one to break it first when an older man in his 40s drag her into the dance floor, she was at first relucted to join but once the melody started and how the man twirls her around made the girl laugh and accept the dance.

Jasper watches how his mate dances freely with an elder, spinning around with an authentic smile on her features as she giggles and spins her skirt around. He saw how Dorothea didn't cling to one partner as she was continuously stirred to a new one, which she didn't object to as she enjoys everyone's presence even a boy that was younger than 10 and a few girls. 

He couldn't help but smiles genuinely as he watches her being pulled up into the air and spun around by a man, he notices how Dorothea's emotion was jumping around in excitement and joy at the action. Clapping along with the beat of the music, Jasper watch as Dorothea slowly becomes the main dancer on stage, and everyone cheers for her.

Twirling her dress that rises, showing her beautiful legs, and those gleaming smile that proves her happiness.

"I must be hallucinating, Charlotte! Jasper is laughing! Pinch me quick!" / "Its' not a vision Peter and if I do pinch you, you will start mourning like a 3-year-old." Jasper disregards his friends' statement about his unusual emotion since he lacks it himself but just pushes the drink he was holding to Peter and hurries his way into the dance floor.

"What going on with him? He's been like that since 2 days ago after coming home from the diner." Charlotte had asked her mate but he just points to the dance floor in disbelief. "I think he finally found her."

They watch as Jasper was just in time to catch Dorothea with his hands around her waist and hers on his neck taking a deep breath from the exhaustion of laughing and giggling. "Howdy."

Dorothea couldn't help but snort as that smirk that drove her crazy was back on his lips, their face so close she could smell his scent, Jasper's woody pine that she adores. Her laughter only grew when Jasper whirls her around and dances with her making everyone eye them in jealousy as the perfect couple danced away the night.

"Oh, Mr Whitlock. You sure know how to win a girl over." Both their laughter blended well as there stood so close with hands on each other since the music was over and the audience filled the room with claps and cheers instead.

Both concentrate on each other's eyes to comprehend that everyone had their sights on them.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now