tag, you're it

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A/N: everything probably seems confusing, but it will all make sense eventually

inspo: tag, you're it, melanie martinez


Looking at me through your window, boy you had your eye out for a little...

Billie's POV:

I don't know if I can open the door for him, looking out the window and seeing him pull up in the driveway. I don't know if I want to know what Mila knows. If staying with him is the only way to keep me safe, he has to be dangerous, right? I don't know if it's smart to trust Mila over him, but with this, when there's danger involved, I know we have each other. I know we're gonna protect each other, that, I can trust.

I don't say anything when I open the door for him, he pauses, coughs and turns to the side, glancing out to the street. I shut the door and lock it behind him, and he stops at the staircase, touching the handrail, as if he's expecting an invitation upstairs. I walk straight ahead to the living room and sit in the middle of the couch.

"How are you feeling about all of this?" Caden doesn't sit down, just leans against the wall.

"Well, maybe I would feel better if I knew what 'all of this' means, but..."

I don't know how to say I'm okay with this in a believable way.

"But?" he pushes himself off the wall and walks over to me.

"But I love you and I'm not gonna leave you just because things get complicated, so, yeah..." I muster through the words and he grins, sitting down next to me, bringing my head into his lap. He strokes my hair and I bite my lip to keep from crying. I want Mila. I don't know how I'm just supposed to wait for her to come back. If she can only see me when it's safe, when she's not here, am I unsafe?

"Good, I'm glad Billie," he kisses my forehead and it takes everything in me to not flinch.

"So, are you gonna tell me anything I need to know, or what this means?" I ask. I don't trust him anymore, but I want to see how much he trusts me.

"I have big plans for us. I don't see why we should waste time, we should just get--" he pauses and my heart races

"What is this--" Caden looks over to the lamp, at some wire hanging from it.

It happens so fast, he pushes me to the floor and lunges for the lamp, smashing it against the floor. The lightbulb shatters and I slide away from him as he grabs the wire and pulls out what looks like a microphone. He runs to me, standing over me.

"What do you fucking know, have you been talking to her?" he snaps, dangling the wire above me.

"Talking to who?" I scream, eyes darting to the window. Please, be here.


"I haven't fucking seen her since we broke up, and you know that! I don't know anything about what's going on with you or her because you don't tell me anything!" I defend myself and he clamps tighter onto the mic.

"I don't trust you, you're playing both sides, and you're gonna tell me everything you know, one way or another," Caden grabs me by my upper arm and I go limp as he drags me across the carpet, to the kitchen.

"Nice try," he whispers into the mic, and drops it into the sink, turning on the garbage disposal.

When he turns to look down at me, I panic, kicking him between the legs. I scramble across the floor, grabbing the biggest knife from the drawer, pointing it at him as he tries to stand.

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