Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

~Sebastian’s P.O.V. ~

Later on after The Young Master and I little… encounter from earlier today, it was time to prepare Ciel for bed.

Ciel went to his office to try and finish his work for the day. He was already had fallen asleep earlier today, so I highly doubt he made it through the rest of the day.

I was now in the kitchen cleaning up the last dish from dinner. I rinsed it off and then turned off the water. I dried the dish then put it in the stack with the other clean dishes. I turned around to see Bard smoking a cigarette at the kitchen table and Mey- Rin was turning a glass of milk around in her hands, out of boredom.

“Mey- Rin darling, would you please put these dishes away back in the China Chest.” I turned my head slightly towards Bard’s direction and ordered. “As for you Bard, go outside and get the wood Finny has chopped so far.”

With that, Mey Rin and Bard shot up from their seats and yelled. “Yes sir!” Then tended to the tasks I assigned them.

I on the other hand, now had I to tend to Young Master. I walked away from the sink and to the door to exit the kitchen. I grabbed my tailcoat from the hook beside the doorway and headed to The Young Master’s office. On my way there, I fixed my clothing once again.

I walked up to the door and knocked softly to indicate someone wanted to enter. I waited patiently for a dull “Come in.” from Young Master, but nothing was said.

I knitted my eye brows in question, but tried again by knocking a tad bit harder. Nothing again… He must’ve fallen asleep.

I opened the door slightly, looking through the crack to see if he was asleep. There he was, once again in a deep slumber at his desk. I walked in the room and closed the door behind me softly. I walked up to his desk to find business papers scattered all over it.

“Oh Bocchan, again, carelessly falling asleep at your desk, while there’s still work to be done.” I said as if I was scolding him while he is awake. I swiftly cleaned the desk of all the papers and organized them into neat stacks.

Once I was done I looked up to Ciel, who was still sound asleep.

Instantly, that wave of lust coursed through me from earlier. He was so defenseless. He let his guard down once again for the second time today.

What should I do?                              

I pondered as I leaned down with my elbows on the desk and resting my head in my gloved palms. I looked at the sleeping boy seductively, biting my lip.

I wonder should I take him and teach him a lesson for underestimating a demon? Or should I just wake him, and go on with the nightly routine?

Should I scoop him up in my arms and make him cry out for me in vain? Or just give him a bath and tuck him in for the night?

Should I be a bad boy, or the good boy you want me to be, Bocchan?

“The decision is yours.” I spoke quietly, reaching out a hand and ran my fingers through his hair. I retracted my hand and stood up straight. I sighed in frustration. I covered my face with the hand I used to run my slender fingers in his hair. I closed my eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of him and savored it. I opened my eyes and looked at him through my fingers, studying him. I continued to decide whether I should grab this opportunity that’s being handed to me for the second time to day. Or compress my lust and hunger for the boy as much as possible. I dropped my hand to my side and balled my hands into tight fist.

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