A Silver Flash

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Wolf led Cub into the K-Unit's cabin, which was surprisingly empty. Then he was called to the Sargent's office, leaving Alex to unpack. He didn't like the idea of leaving the kid alone for a minute but he didn't really have a choice.

"Sir." He saluted, his heels smacking together.

"Wolf. Mrs. Jones called earlier, it seems that Blunt has been removed."

Wolf swallowed, suddenly confused.

"So, there will be some changes. Perhaps you've noticed the absence of your unit. They've already been informed and moved out. Alex Rider is to be moved to a safe house for the summer. When the school year starts, he will be moved back here and given a private tutor, who just so happens to be an ex-MI6 agent. Perhaps you've already met. As much as I would love to see you both meet, I'm afraid I do not have the authority or clearance to do so. Any questions?"

Wolf sat down. "Sir..." He began. "Why are we being moved out?"

"Jones said that the base hasn't been thoroughly checked out yet. There may be worms and she wants to make sure that Alex is completely safe from any sort of... threat."

"From Scorpia." Wolf finished, gazing into the Sargent's eyes.

"Yes." The Sargent's voice was soft. "I almost forgot to tell you. Alex has medication for his phantom pain, an old bullet wound in his left shoulder. I've already given them to Snake. And although Jones hasn't lifted your clearance level, she's given Alex permission to tell you and your unit everything, provided that you sign the OSA." He pushed a paper in front of Wolf, who quickly signed it. "And..." The Sargent reached under his desk for a small cardboard box. "Smithers passed by this afternoon and gave me this. It has more information on Alex, past medical records, mission briefs, and a small DVD. I don't know what the DVD is, but Smithers said it was very... how did he put it? Oh yes, unsettling."

Wolf took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair, before resting them in a steeple on the desk. The Sargent continued.

"You can stay the night here, but you must be gone by morning."

"Understood." Wolf stood up.



The feeling of being punched. The inability to breathe. The ground, suddenly rushing up to him. He braces for impact but he crashes right through, falling into darkness. A boy's maniacal laughing echoes. "...we played a little joke on him..." A huge screen appears out of nowhere, picturing a car driving in the desert. It's dark. A man speaks. "There are two types of pain, Alex. Physical and emotional." Hands clutch a steering wheel. "She has been with you all your life. She has sacrificed so much for your happiness." A face, framed by red hair, her eyes determined, her mouth set in a thin line. "She is your best friend." The car explodes. She cries out his name. "ALEX!" He's suddenly back there, in the chair, surrounded by tubes and wires. He's screaming, his throat tearing apart. Machines are beeping like mad. He struggles to break free, howling, tears coursing down his face. Jack. Jack's gone. Jack's dead. Jack's dead. The image of the car exploding replays itself over and over and over again in his mind. He shuts his eyes tight. His heart's speeding. The scene changes. It's raining, somewhere in a Egyptian park. Sirens are wailing in the distance. Alex lies on the ground before him. No, it's him. It's not you. It's not you. He repeats it over and over to himself in his mind as he points the gun at Julius. He pulls the trigger. Julius falls, dead. He feels no remorse. How can he? Jack is dead.

He woke with a jerk, panting. His clothes were clinging to him in sweat. The room was too stuffy. He needed to get out, the room was closing in, he was suffocating, he couldn't do this. He silently got out of bed, and opened the door, heading out into the open, where he'd be alone. He didn't notice the shadow on the wall, and his roaring mind failed to compute the message of danger.


Wolf woke quickly. He'd heard the door close. Sitting up in bed, he noticed that Alex's bed was empty. Immediately, his mind went into overload. The camp hadn't been checked yet. Alex wasn't safe out by himself.

He threw the door open, pulling a hoodie over his head. It was getting colder at night. 'Not much left of summer.' He thought. Taking off at a run, he jogged around the camp, looking for his ward.

He finally spotted him, sitting under a tree by the obstacle course. Even from the distance

he was, he could see Alex's shoulders shaking, and his rocking back and forth. Something was definitely wrong. He took a step forward in Alex's direction, but stopped, suddenly seeing a dark shape emerge from behind one of the many poles. The shadow stepped right in front of Wolf, and it was then, that Wolf saw a silver glint. Alarm bells went of in his head and he took off at a run. The man aimed at an unsuspecting Alex, as Wolf barreled toward him.

"ALEX!" Wolf shouted, sprinting toward the man. Everything happened in slow motion. Alex looked up. His eyes widened. He stood up. The man pulled the trigger. A sickening thunk sound. Alex fell, his stomach pooling blood. Wolf slammed in the man, knocking him down. Lights flashed on in the huts/cabins as soldiers woke up to the gunshot and shout. Guards appeared, one shouting for a medic. Wolf struggled with the man, effectively knocking him out, by slamming the butt of the man's own gun on his head. Wolf lay on the ground for a second, panting. Then he rose. No time to rest. Alex was hurt. He stumbled toward the kid and fell to his knees beside him. The medics hadn't come yet. Alex's face was white and his breaths were coming in short little gasps. Wolf took off his hoodie and folded it, pressing on the wound. Alex groaned, closing his eyes.

'No, no little guy. You gotta stay with me, buddy." Wolf gently smacked Alex's face and got one of the soldiers to take his place. He took Alex's hand, and looked into his eyes, which had opened again. Alex squeezed his hand, again and again, rotating his fingers, each time squeezing a little harder.

"Did you-get-him?" Alex asked, grunting with pain, his nostrils flaring as he tried to breath calmly.

"Yeah." Wolf's voice was breathless and he chuckled. "Good thing you stood up, Cub. But you couldn't have out run him."

"I-didn't-stand up-because-I was-going-to run." He closed his eyes and breathed heavily.

"Hey. Stay with me." Wolf moved a little to the side as the medic (finally) arrived. Alex opened his eyes.

"I-didn't-stand up-because-I was-going-to-run." He repeated his voice going up at the end, ending in a whimper.

"What do you mean?" Wolf breathed softly .

"They-were-aiming at-my heart. It's-not the first-time they've-tried."

"What?" Wolf stared in confusion. Alex's eyes darkened and he made little gasping noises.

"Let's go!" The medic yelled. "GO, GO, GO!" Soldiers picked Alex up and put him on a stretcher. But before they left, Alex turned to Wolf one last time. "Wolf, it-" He broke into a coughing fit. The medic rushed him into the hospital room before pushing the panic button, that called all doctors and medics to the medical room. And it was all because of one man who had tried to kill a child. Wolf limped toward the prone form lying on the ground. 'Guess he put up more of a fight than I originally thought.' Two soldiers began to pick the unconscious shooter up.

"Wait." Wolf held up a hand. He pulled back the sleeve on the man's left arm, revealing a silver scorpion. Suddenly, everything made sense. Alex had been trying to tell him. "It's not the first time they've tried."

The agent was Scorpia.

Once again, here's a chapter. I hope y'all enjoy!

My next update will probably be Monday. I'm going to try and update at least once a week, but we'll see because my inspiration comes in bursts. 

Peace out,


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