Would a Simple hi kill?
Instead of sending heartbroken letters that I may doubt are true.
I mean, you know I'm gullible and that has always been my weakness.
Sometimes I wish you'd never opened me up to a point whereby now I no longer know where to find myself.
How many dark secrets have I spilled ou to you while we were together during the late hour?As we sat down beneath the moon while letting the stars dance along with the clouds that only appear to cover my eyes, I saw no light but only felt your skin collide with mine and we folded up into a prayer that was only pleasing to God's eyes...
With nothing but silent cries that fill up my skies, my thoughts, my mind...
I felt like I was about to die,
but this time it was my second pyre, my second time rolling into the lust behind his star-like arms and scars.
I need to breathe in oxygen
but instead I inhale this tangible energy that I think is the air of worn out ecstasy.Nothing like thigh-on-tight madness and the thoughts of her sins drowning in my ocean,
harboring on my lips
and poisoning my life
because he never bothered to say a simple 'hi'.Would a Simple hi ever kill?
The Art of learning to be human
PoetryThis is a collection of poems about just being, experiencing every human emotion. Learning how to forgive yourself and how to be brave. How to love again and being kind to yourself after certain realizations and heartbreak. With every lesson learned...