The History of Mages by Zennth Summers

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        There are people in this world that are normal,wild, or boring. The people who do not belong, the out ones out, are different they are born with powers unlike the normal people of the world. the nautral borns have the power of the elemental, physical type. They are called Black Mages, goos magic users.

        The normal people have money and power, but not the power they want. Since the birth of man the "Impure", the normal, have been eager for the power of the "Pure". 1,200 years ago the impure have been trying to make a elixir to change their DNA, which ended up killing them. then they found a monk in Nia who master chi blocking, perfect inner mind/body, and mind power. Some Impure men kidnapped him and forced him to teach them, he did. 10 years later all the impure gained powers not fit for them. Some became insane, or were kill due to not committing themselves to practicing white magic.

         Unlike black magic, white magic is a spirit and mental type. Most of the Impure use white magic for destruction and for getting their own way. White mages have advanced white magic to the point they are able to fly and tear bodies a part to see organs and bones.

        With Impures power they be more and more greedy for money and power over the land. About 14 years after the founding of white magic the Impures wanted to rule over the Pure. A group called the White Lily tried to set fire upon the great temple of the Zennth and Zennon. Because of this a war boke out and spread like wild fire thought the world, and other worlds and galaxies. This war is called the Never Ending War. No one stopped and decided peace but what caused it to stop was the Sisters of Life, Zennth and Zennon. They Separated  the Black and White Mages to their own galaxies, ending the Never Ending War in 1818. there are rumors the war continuse on world far away form ours but we are not sure of it.

        The Godly sisters have never been seen since. Other Gods have come and gone, but the sisters aura stay among us.

        When a God named Sanctus Salvator saw what the sisters left behide before the war he made the Via Lactea galaxy. When the Mages found this they flooded there. Sanctus Salvator put a curse on this galaxy, to everyone whoset foot in this galaxy forgets their powers and become humnas. But years have past and the curse has worn off. No one knows of their powers of mind or body but of fire arms, blackmail, money, and power.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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