twenty six

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____six months later____

I walk into Xavion's cell, making eye contact with him immediately. He grinned at me politely as I hand him a picture.

"They're a boy and a girl." I inform him, chuckling as I bring a seat before him. "Ezra was ecstatic."

"I bet he was...hah. He's not coming today he?" He asks me sadly, and I shook my head no. "Is he still...?"

"Yeah. He hasn't done anything besides trying to translate that letter. He's gotten bits and pieces...but that's about it. I don't think he'll really put his mind on anything else until he gets it down." I state, my hands resting on my growing bump.

It has been five months since this all has started...and we really haven't gotten anywhere. Ezra isn't Head Alpha, actually. He has been so distracted that he never made the necessary moves to strip Xavion of his title.

Even though the officials and others are insisting he do so, he isn't budging. He wants to translate that letter.

"You're very close to having those twins. Three to two months, to be exact right?"

"Yeah." I nod in answer. "I've named one of them and he doesn't know what he'll name the girl. I got the boy, he got the girl. It's so cute..."

"I'm sure. I feel...terrible. I just wish he would come here on these visits. You know...more than he does know... Right?" Xavion asks me, and I nod again. "Yeah. He doesn't believe me, but I insist that I am not lying."

"I believe you. I looked up the Vol family and I saw how...reclusive and secret they are. There's five more of you...branches I should say: Volas, Volur, Volx, Volivi, and Volta. Why doesn't Ezra know about his distant family?" I question Xavion again even though I know I've asked this before.

I just don't understand... They're such a powerful and circumstantial family...but no one talks about them. Have never been mentioned - none of that!

If I hadn't been told by Xavion, I would've never known they were real.

"It's like what I said before. They want him dead. I have tried my best to protect him by being the bad guy, and I'm fine with that. Except it's getting worse the more time progresses. I'm not doing this anymore. Our parents were willing to kill him just to preserve the hierarchy out of fear of complete annihilation. It was either them, or him only. I couldn't allow that." Xavion shakes his head as he adjusts the handcuffs around his wrists. "For a long time, I was the only one that loved him. So much so, that I wanted to look like the enemy in his eyes to protect him-."

"And you did great." I interrupt, causing Xavion to grin softly. "It's just unfortunate that those are the circumstances. His own flesh and blood wants him dead. You really had this all planned to protect him from the top of the family, the branches, his own parents, and even Stellan who was never really his Mate all along!"

I scoff, shaking my head as my hands subconsciously caress my belly.

"I still find that ridiculous... They really shot Stellan up with that drug to modify his body into becoming Ezra's Mate. So that means all along I've always been his Mate...that's why there was that connection, right?" I found myself asking Xavion.

He just shrugs...which is fine. I didn't expect him to know.

"It's too confusing. A great mess that should've never been brought upon him. He much better than what he had gotten. I am to blame for most of the pain, but it isn't in vain. I truly had no other choice." Xavion shakes his head, and snorts out of nowhere. "You may think I did have another choice, but I really didn't."

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