C H A P T E R 2

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Felix pov

I watch her as she falls asleep I go on my phone and scroll through my Instagram account.

I look over at her and examine her details "she looks so beautiful"  "I want to be her friend" you thought too yourself .

Y/n pov

I wake up too a tap on my shoulder
"We're here" felix says.

I mumble "ok" and as I get up I feel someone grabbing my arm
It was Felix "can I ask you something real quick?"

"Yea whatsup?" I say with a confused look on my face

"Can I get ur number not in like a weird way i just want too be friends"

He says with nervous look on his face

"Ofc! My number is ********"

"He puts my name as "Y/n💕"

I head too my room as I realized I have a roommate. I stood there frozen
"No no you got this they might be super nice lets walk right in" you thought too yourself

You unlock the door and walk in to a tall very attractive man side eyeing you and smirking at you

You froze not knowing what too say and do

"So ur the new roommate sounds .. Fun"   he says looking at me

"What have i gotten myself into" you thought too yourself.

"U-uh h-hi I'm  y-y/n ur new r-roommate" you say nervously

"Don't be nervous i don't bite .. Unless you want me too" he says seductively and smiles

"Let me show you too ur room"

"Oh! And forgot too introduce myself I am namjoon."

Namjoon pov

Sitting down looking at my phone i hear the door unlock

"Must be the new roommate hope it's a girl" he thought too himself

You see her walk in and freezes staring at you

You smirk and side eye her

He thought too himself

"So ur the new roommate sounds.. fun"

You see her nervously stand there and say "U-uh h-hi I'm y-y/n ur new r-roommate"

"Oh this is gonna be fun"
He thought too himself.

Hey guys this is the end of chapter 2 i hoped you liked it I'll try too upload daily and i hope this isnt too boring for you thank you for reading love you all !💓

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