Chapter 1

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"Teddy! You're underestimating that song. I happen to love it" I spoke.

"Whatever, just get ready" he said as he was walking away and then came back. "And also hurry up will you? I swear we're always late every single year".

"hmm... no promises"

Teddy rolled his eyes looking annoyed. He was frankly right, we were always late. I also love pissing off Teddy because it brings some kind of joy to me.


For the third time, we arrived at the platform. It was as beautiful as it was before. I personally love going on the train because of the view around. With the grassy fields and the trees, it was almost like I was in heaven.

"y/n!" came a voice yelling. It was Hermione! Hermione is my best friend ever since we met on there train in our first year.

"Hey Mione!" I said very excitedly.

"Come on let's get on the train! There is absolutely no way in Merlin that I will be sharing a compartment with Lavender again".

"She's not even that bad. If you actually talked to her, you would know that she's actually very nice" I explained to her. For some reason she didn't like Lavender. She thought she was annoying because Lavender was always snogging a new boy every week. Which was clearly a lie, but she is my best friend and I would support her no matter what. Except for her love of school, now that obsession was crazy.

"I still don't like her, It's bad enough we share a dorm with her" she said. "Well what are you waiting for? Are you and Teddy slow? Come on we're going to miss the train! There is no way I'm missing th-" she still spoke as I cut her off.

"calm down mione, we're gonna make it" I spoke to her.

"I still don't like that name" she said with a pouting face.

"I know, but Teddy calls me bizzy and I will never be able to change that" I spoke.

"Whatever bizzy..." said Teddy from behind. I still hate that name so much. And it will never grow on to me.

We started going to the hogwarts express in a rush. The train was about to leave in 2 minutes and Hermione would kill me if we missed it.


Me, Teddy and Hermione hopped on the train and tried looking for a compartment. Once again Teddy leaving us for his friends.

Luckily, Harry and Ron had arrived early and had a compartment. We saw them from a distance. At least now I know I won't be dead before we arrive at hogwarts.

"Harry, Ron!" I yelled, trying to get their attention.

"Bloody hell! You scared me!" said Ron. He easily gets scared, especially of spiders.

"What a surprise, Ronald getting scared" spoke Hermione, making fun of Ron.

I had noticed everyone changed, including me. Harry in particular had changed a lot since last year. He was definitely better looking, and he was really cute. His hair was more messy. His face was more mature. And not to mention how amazing he looked in his black hoodie.

"So what's up with everyone? Anything cool happen during the summer?" I spoke, trying to defuse the tension.

"I blew up my aunt, the usual, you know" Harry said.

"Oh yeah! I remember, you sent me letters all about it. Not gonna lie, that was pretty badass of you" I said. Harry and I have been writing to each other all summer. He was always bored at the Dursley's, and he needed someone to write to.

Harry started to blush after I said that.

"Not badass! that's horrible! You could've gotten expelled!" cried Hermione.

"Oh yeah, because that's worse then getting killed" I said jokingly, slapping her arm.

"Y/n, shut up. Getting expelled is really bad!" Hermione spat back.

"Hermione's being over dramatic, last year she kept hitting me a book because I was eating so much" said Ron, joining in the conversation.

"And I would do it again, Ronald. Anyways, Harry! When is quidditch going to start?"

"Very soon actually, we're already practicing. Wood is driving us crazy with trying to win the cup" .

"Well we will be at the games, whether you like it or not" I said happily.

A lady with the trolley came through. "Anything from the trolley?" She said and then looked at Harry with beady eyes. "And you Mr Potter, don't buy the lot again, there are kids that actually want sweets". Harry looked embarrassed, He and Ron were lovers of sweets and there was nothing anyone could do to stop their love of sweets.

"I'll just get 4 chocolate frogs then" said Harry.

The lady gave him the chocolate frogs and we didn't hesitaste to open them. I got Gilderoy Lockhart, Hermione got Godric Gryffindor and Harry and Ron both got Albus Dumbledore.

"Piece of shit, I got like 100 of these" Ron said in frustration.

"Same, started collecting" Harry said. Harry started looking at me. "y/n you have something on your face". He slowly started coming closer and wiped the chocolate on my cheek.

"Thanks". Thanks? Really? That's it?

"Totally nothing weird about that, I still say that you both would make a cute couple, I mean only if you both wanted to" said Hermione rambling.

"Please no way, were literally just friends" I said assuringly. But, something about that sentence didn't feel right to me. I see him only as a friend, right?

"Whatever you say bizzy...." Hermione said.

I slapped Hermione in the arm. "I hate that name!"

"Ok bizzy" said Ron and Harry at the same time.

"I will crucio all of you if you don't stop".

A few hours went by. Along the way me, Hermione, Ron and Harry were talking about our summers. We all had hilarious stories and laughed almost all the way.

"Everyone get your robes on we have arrived. I can't believe I forgot to put mine on. Oh my gosh, i'm so unorganized" Hermione said in a fast tone.

"Ron was definitely right about the over dramatic part" said Harry laughing.

Hermione gave him the death stare. Both Harry and Ron knew that when she stares at you like that, it's never good. It's a good thing Harry and Ron knew to leave immediately after that stare.

"that stare is never going to get old" I said laughing.

I look out the window and see we arrived at Hogwarts. I loved arriving at Hogwarts. Hogwarts was my home.

Im sorry this was really short. I know this was a bit boring but there is more to come! I'll be updating more often with definitely longer chapters. But did you like it?? Harry and y/n had that moment 😏. I have many more things coming up in the next chapters, so keep a lookout for that. Make sure to vote to help me grow and don't be a silent reader, COMMENT. I love reading comments. See you all in the next chapter!


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