•Chapter 0 - Prologue•

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Title: Prologue.
Warning: None.


: 3rd Person POV :

"Caw-Caw, Caw-Caw!"
(Sorry if I get the sound of the crow wrong lol)

Y/n woke up due of her bird, a crow. She gets up from her comfy bed and fix it. After shes done fixing her comfy bed, she walks to her pet's Bird Cage to pet her crow. She opens the Bird Cage to free the crow.

The crow flys around and then they landed at Y/n fingers.

The crow flys around and then they landed at Y/n fingers

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(I dont know how to draw a crow so sorry lol. Oh, and also, just imagine that your wearing your pajamas i forgot to drew them lol)

After the crow seat at her fingers, she walked to get her Tablet. It was a book before but, not anymore. The book was dusty and she hated that. She was glad that god switch it into a Tablet.

When she got her Tablet, she opens it to check how many deaths will be today.

Counts of deaths: 30

Then she close the Tablet and she make it dissapper. Her crow is making the annoying noise again. Which means shes late for her work.

The crow was flying around until they seat on Y/n's shoulder.

She get out of her House and then exited the Dimension.

After getting out of her Dimension from 75 years break, she saw a very beautiful city. Theres so many buildings, cars, people! Y/n was shock what she saw. She was very impressed by what humans invented.

She was in a Forest of the city, a beautiful Forest too. After she got too impressed what she saw, she turned into invisible.

: Time skip, after taking the souls into the right places. :

Y/n was almost done to her work. She has to go to her last destination. So, she went there. When she got to her destination, she saw a burning house. Kinda big. There was tons of houses that are close to the buring house. Its just like a apartments. Y/n saw a firetruck, people, and reporters.

She ignored it and go straight to the buring house. When she enter the house, theres alot of people who got killed. Maybe like...20 people? 'Sigh...I guess the owner of this burning house is partying...sigh. humans can be stupid sometimes.' Y/n thought.

There was a burnt cake, smell of acohol, plastic cups, ribbons, gifts, Smell steak, and a chirstmas tree even though its not December, its August right now.

Then you look around to see the souls. You can't see properly. Its too foggy. You swing your hands into your face, left and right. When you see the souls properly, you stop swinging your hands.

They we're some crying, happy, and regretting what they've done.

You we're kinda sad to see this and also angry cuz, they did this without knowing this would be cause by a fire hazard.

You quickly move to the one soul whos standing to the counter on the kitchen.

It was a kid. Crying over and over, again.

You we're trying to comfort them and it went succesfully.

Then you made your umbrella into a sycthe. Then swing them to the child with a small smile. Then repeat to the others as well. Some of them are trying to escape. but, failed miserably.

You finish sending the souls into their right places. You make your scythe into a umbrella again. You were thinking where you should go next. Then you think about the Forest where you spawned at the start.

You decided to go there. You made yourself teleported to that place.

When you got there, it was...beautiful. there was a fireflies, rabbits, magical flowers, and beautiful lake. It was really beautiful. You thought you we're in a fantasy world cuz, it looks magical. But then...you saw a figure there on the lake. They we're wearing a black outfit with a sycthe and a black aura.

You know who that is... Its The Death.

They we're look at the beautiful lake. You look forward to meet them again. Y/n walked towards to them to chat them one more time. Y/n stand right besides The Death. It was a comfortable slience, thanks to the lake.

"Ah, you're finally back to your work, Y/n..." Death finally spoke. Y/n looks up to them and then look to the lake. "Yep. It was comfortable break, not gonna lie." Y/n spoke with a calm tone. "Glad to hear that news..." Death still looking at the lake. It was almost midnight and Y/n needs to go. so, Y/n says goodbye to Death.

Before Y/n left, Death said "I'll show you something interasting... tommorow midnight, Y/n..." Then dissapper with black poof.

Y/n was confuse what Death was about to show tommorow. Death said it will be interasting...

Y/n Just ignore her thought and left the earth.

She enter her Dimension and her House. Her crow fly to their Bird Cage and go to sleep. Y/n about to change her clothes into her pajamas. But, she got lazy and collapse to her bed. She was exhausted, indeed. Then she closed her eyes and drift into sleep...

Word Count: 908
Publish: February 9, 2021
Okay so uhh...first book I guess, lol.
I hope you enjoy it.
Feel free to correct some of the problems here. I don't really mind.

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