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Before starting I want to clarify points that will be present in History and they are the following

1. Appearance of the Characters.

This will be taken into account so that you do not think much about how the Animatronics will look if they will be like the original or humanized, No. They will continue to be Robots but 80% of being Humanoid Animals or which would look real and 20% will be Robots  Only their Robotics paftes can be appreciated from the inside, besides that they will wear suits as a new character appears, their information will be given at the end of the Chapter.

2. History.

This Story will follow several things from Canon to FNaF and others not, let's clarify that William is not the Bad guy here, there are no murders of children, the bite of 83 and 87 would not be present but the rest if, this would definitely be an AU  by FNaF ..

3. 18+.

This Fanfic will have 18+ content, for those who do not know it will have content for people over 18 years old for which a warning will be given in some Chapters for example in the Lemons in which if you are sensitive I suggest you skip the Chapter but if not,  you can enjoy it.

4. Book Versions.

I have a version of this same Fanfic but with another language for those who do not know English I leave the link of the Fanfic in Spanish.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Frexy Amor de Opuestos: https://www.wattpad.com/story/257478983?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=7MrDreemurr7&wp_originator=g8vL3VvEAy5m92EJBvyakpQ9OGYuKIYaIp6fz1IMKXQ%2FFbhVaOL6%2BCD3qnYFgl8SbjWMh1yx66bZO7J3qmmMRGCcE%2FA9LAdFvVYIbENC4MmTPxAv0OyIplO9Cgh8h7ed

5. Signs and Points in Reading.

All the Fanfics there are points by which we are guided to understand what the characters do and I will assign the points that will be in the reading.

-: The Script will have the same function as the Asterisks, if you are new I will tell you that these signs are used when a character makes an Action with something or with Someone

__________ Examples __________

Character 01: -Grab an object and throws it-
Character 02: -He takes the hand of his best friend-
Character 03: -Looks everywhere to find his friend-

"": Quotes will be present when a character would be whispering

__________ Examples __________

Character 01: "Silence that they do not discover us"
Character 02: "Shhhh let's not make noise"
Character 03: "Hey come here"

(): Parentheses will be present when a character is mentally speaking

__________ Examples _________

Character 01: (I don't know if I can do this)
Character 02: (Damn, he almost discovered me)
Character 03: (I already have an idea)

[]: Brackets will be present when a character is yelling

__________ Examples __________

Character 01: [Quickly run!]
Character 02: [I have to hit fast!]
Character 03: [Demoniooos]

?  / ¡!: Everyone knows what these signs will be used for so no need to give examples


Very well that was all that was warned, I hope it has been very clear to you guys tomorrow the first Chapter of this Fanfic will be uploaded

Good night ♡.

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