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|Chapter 2: Unknown Feelings|

"Sky diving."
"Let's drink?"
"Games... we should definitely play games.."
"Wrestle tournament!"

"Dude, what's with your need for violence? And aren't karate and wrestling the same?"

Face palming, Namjoon corrected Jimin.

"They both involve violence, but they're not the same."


"Wait, did Jungkook say games?" Taehyung asked, a fearful look cast across his features.

"And did you seriously say sky diving?" The youngest one asked as he got up to take a sip of water.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"Actually -"

"Hell no." Yoongi interrupted.

This caused the band to laugh at his seemingly always perfect timing.

He and J-Hope were silent, sharing no activities at all. While J-Hope remained silent because he didn't have a chance to speak, Yoongi was silent because he only had one suggestion: sleep. Obviously, nobody else wanted that, so he stayed quiet and watched from afar; as usual.

"Tae, we're not going sky diving-it's freezing." exaggerated Jin.

"But it'll feel better with cold air."

Looks of bewilderment showed on his friends faces.


Jimin was the only one who suggested normal things, such as drinking and eating.

After seeing the desperation in his best friend's eyes and Jungkook's-he came up with an idea to satisfy everyone.

To catch everyone's attention, he raised his voice higher than everyone else and announced,
"Why don't we go to the movies and out to eat?"

Seeing the curiosity in their faces, Jimin elaborated.

"We can watch an action movie since V is in the mood for violence-for some damn reason - and then we go to the arcade since Jungkook wants to play games. After that, we go out to eat."

"I don't know about the arcade, now." Taehyung muttered.

Jungkook heard and dragged his finger horizontally across his throat; an indicator that he was "dead" if they went to the arcade.

"Yeah, nah." Tae responded.

"Hey. Karaoke, anyone?" Jin asked.

But in return, he received expressions of boredom.

"Fine." He said, rolling his eyes.

It seemed like a good idea to Namjoon, although he almost agreed with Taehyung about the arcade.

"Hyung, you sing for a living - give it a rest." The leader replied to the oldest attitude.


"Anyway, that's a great idea, Jimin. Everybody will be able to do what they want with no arguments .... hopefully." He sparing Jungkook and Taehyungba knowing glance.

"Does anybody object?" He asked politely.

"I do." Jin protested.

It was Namjoon's turn to roll his eyes.

"Other than you?"


No one else answered; which made him assume that they all agreed with the idea.

"Okay then," he said as he clapped his hands together.
"We'll leave in..."

He checked his watch, it was only 11.

"2 hours."

"Setting a timer..."
"Dead meat."
"Leave me alone!"

Multiple replies were heard, all except one: Yoongi.

The quiet one sat in a daze, watching the happiest of them all from across the room. He hadn't the slightest idea why, either.

'Why am I...' He thought to himself.

His eyes followed his every movement as Hope sat against a wall in their practice room.

The sweat from his previous workout left his hair sticking to him like glue, and Yoongi found it odd that his heart jumped every time the ray of sunshine would flip it.

Since nobody heard Yoongi say anything, they waited patiently for his answer. Only to find him staring at the ceiling, mumbling random words to himself; with his face scrunched up.


'The hell is my heart going "bu-bump"?'


'His smile is nice, though-wait, do I need to smile more? Is that it?'

Now, Yoongi was smiling and mumbling to himself. The male was oblivious to anything happening around him, striking concern from Hoseok.

J-Hope couldn't take anymore and shook him while yelling,
"Suga- hyung?!"

Yoongi snapped out of his trance and looked around frantically. He stopped when he spotted J-Hope's face directly in front of his own.

Blushing and confused, he asked,
"Why's everyone staring at me?"

J-Hope was bewildered. Why was Yoongi blushing, and why did he look cute while doing it, and why was he even having these thoughts?

Everything he thought came and went so fast, he simply replied,

"We were discussing the plan for today, hyung. You were talking and smiling creepily at the ceiling. I - We were worried about you, so I shook ya. Jungkook even shouted out to you a couple of times, but you didn't reply."

'Wow,' Yoongi thought, 'I was talking out loud.'

Is what he wanted to say, but instead, he settled for,

"What'd I miss?"

"Well," the leader began.

"We were thinking of going to the movies, then the arcade for games, and after that, out to eat. What do you think, hyung? Wanna come with us?"

Should he go out with the other members and have fun, or should he rest?

He wanted to sleep, that was for sure, but he didn't want to let anyone down by staying back.

As if he could hear his thoughts, J-Hope volunteered to stay back.

"If you want to stay hyung, I'll keep you company. I am tired after dancing all day, so I should rest up too."

Of course, that wasn't the only reason he stayed behind. He was worried about Yoongi and their friendship.

Lately, Yoongi barely made eye contact with him, which was fine, but even when he tried to make conversation, Yoongi would have some "work to do."

It almost seemed as if Yoongi was purposely ignoring him, but Hope didn't know why; he intended to find out today.

"Hope-ah, you don't have to stay. Im just tired, you know how I am. Go out and have fun." Yoongi replied.

Yoongi also had ulterior motives for declining his offer. He, too, felt weird around Hobi. There was an invisible, awkward tension between the two; which he preferred to not go through again. He was avoiding him, and it seemed like Hope caught on to it. Deep down, Yoongi knew the reason for his new tendencies. Like staring at him and looking down when he was caught. Or "doing work" whenever Hobi walked into the same room as him. While he was dozing off today, he was daydreaming about J-Hope.

It was confusing and difficult to explain his feelings for J-Hope. Was it pure admiration, or was it something more? Something Yoongi knew all too well, but afraid to admit... He liked him. He didn't know when it happened, nor did he know how. But he liked him, and that... Made him afraid. I'm very afraid.

I Like You And I'm Afraid. I Love You And I'm Terrified.Where stories live. Discover now