Mosey birthday party 💸

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Angel POV

Today was gonna be busy I had hella photo shoots and mosey party is tonight I haven't told him of course but I know he's gonna love it
I got up and took me a shower

Today was gonna be busy I had hella photo shoots and mosey party is tonight I haven't told him of course but I know he's gonna love it I got up and took me a shower

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with mosey
After a while we got out and brushed our teeth
I did my hair and makeup then I got dressed

We walked out our hotel room mosey locking the door behind us we walked out the building then got into this car

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We walked out our hotel room mosey locking the door behind us we walked out the building then got into this car

Angel: I wanna take you out tonight for your birthday
Mosey: where ?
Angel: it's a surprise be ready by 7:00 okay
Mosey: fine

We finally made it too the photo shoot we got out the car holding hands we went inside and we got the elevator too the second floor
It was a big room so there was no door

We finally made it too the photo shoot we got out the car holding hands we went inside and we got the elevator too the second floor It was a big room so there was no door

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The girls and brentman and them our already there taking there pictures the set up was so cute our Valentine's Day shoots finna be sexy asf 🥵

5 hours later

Right I was getting my hair and makeup done while eating I haven't ate since I got up

Right I was getting my hair and makeup done while eating I haven't ate since I got up

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