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Ian sat alone on the couch, scrolling through twitter. He had been feeling pretty depressed lately, and the comments that had spammed him over social media really weren't helping.

Reaching a picture he'd posted of him and Anthony after a shoot, Ian sighed sadly as the comments got harsher and more hurtful.

@smoshian wow dude you need to hit the gym

@smoshian @smoshanthony ha, anthony might be winning on the hotness scale, ian

@smoshian just kill yourself, no one would care

Tears threatened to fall as Ian read the last comment, but he kept going, reading the merciless jibes and insults thrown at him by Smosh's haters. It was like a drug. Ian knew that these comments were making him depressed, but he had to read them, to find out what people really thought of him.

"Hey dude, whatcha looking at?" Anthony smiled cheerily and peered at Ian's phone screen. His smile dropped as he saw before Ian could turn the phone off. "Oh, not this again. Ian, you can't believe what they say. None of it's true--"

"Don't lie to me, Anthony," Ian said calmly.

"What? Ian, I'm not lying--" The bowl haired male cut him off again.

"I said, don't lie to me," Ian's words sounded harsher, his blue eyes clouding with sadness and anger. Anthony ran a hand through his wavy, dark brown hair and sighed. Ian often got like this when reading hate comments, and it was nearly always left to Anthony to comfort him.

"What's the opinion of a few haters to the love from all your fans?" He tried to console his best friend, but failed.

"Yeah, but those few haters are right!" Ian was yelling now, which he rarely did. Anthony began to back away slightly.

"They don't know what they're talking about! I will never hate you, and neither will the smoshers!"

"LIAR!" Ian ran out of the back door before Anthony could stop him, tears streaming down his face, and the brown-eyed male was left to consider what just happened.


Ian stood infront of the swimming pool. The hate comments and his argument with Anthony had made him pretty much suicidal, and seeing as there was a swimming pool in his backyard, Ian had decided to do as so many people suggested; he had decided to kill himself.

The darkness from the night that engulfed the garden was banished by the neon pool lights, making the swimming pool look more peaceful and serene than ever. It seemed like heaven to him.

Ian thought for a moment. Was he really going to end it? What would the fans think? And most importantly; what would Anthony think?

With that thought in his head, Ian took a step forward, not being able to decide what to do. However, the rock on the ground that made Ian trip, plunge into the icy water and promptly hit his head on the poolside made that decision for him.

A/N: This is a one shot, I just wanted to space it out, soooo yeah. Peace out ^-^

Save my Life (An Ianthony One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now