I never really knew CPR

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Anthony was pondering how to talk to his depressed best friend when an almighty splash snapped him out of his thoughts. Anthony knew this either had to be a burgular, or the more likely reason that Ian had caused the noise. Running as fast as he could, Anthony tore back the curtain, flung open the backdoor and rushed outside just in time to see Ian's limp body sink to the bottom of their pool. Anthony quickly sprinted to the poolside, taking the deepest breath he could before diving into the water below. Now, Anthony was not a very good swimmer, nor could he see well underwater, but he tried to latch onto something the best he could in the depths of the murky water. The taller man was now seriously regretting not cleaning out the pool when he'd had the chance. Finally managing to grab what felt like and arm, Anthony pulled Ian's body upwards as he kicked his legs up, bringing them both to the surface.

Shaking violently with both cold and fear, Anthony now climbed up the ladder, never letying go of Ian's arm as he hauled his dead-weight up the ladder after him. Now Anthony was regretting not paying attention in all those first-aid classes where they told you how to do CPR. However, he did know the basics, so he pressed an ear to Ian's soaking wet chest. To his relief, Anthony could make out a faint heartbeat. But the heartbeat was slowing down, and fast.

Placing two hands on top of eachother, the brown-haired youtube star uncertainly began pressing down on his best friend's chest. When no response to his actions came, Anthony decided this was probably where you do mouth-to-mouth, but he froze. What if it ruined their friendship? No, Anthony thought. If I don't do it, it will ruin Ian's life.

It was too late to call an ambulance now, so Anthony told himself to man up and do it before he killed Ian with his indescisiveness.

With shaking hands, Anthony pulled open the lifeless other's mouth with one hand and pinched his nose with the other. He felt his cheeks colour rapidly as he leaned closer and closer to Ian's mouth. Drawing in a deep breath, Anthony closed the gap between the two men and pushed all the air in his lungs into Ian's mouth. He remembered from school that this had to be done for... 4 seconds, was it? So he counted to four and pulled away.

After checking Ian's heartbeat (which was getting stronger by the minute), Anthony began the chest compressions again, but this time his movements were more certain, definitive. After about three compressions, Ian suddenly coughed up the water that had been stopping him breathing. He still wasn't conscious, nor was he breathing properly, but this was a step in the right direction.

Anthony knew that it was time to do mouth-to-mouth again, but this time he wasn't scared. He knew it was merely a routine to keep his best friend since 6th grade alive, and if that was what was nescesary, he would do it. Opening Ian's mouth again, the slightly older man of the two repeated what he did before. Anthony was certainly blushing madly, but more out of breathlessness than embarrasment. He pushed all the oxygen he could into Ian's lungs, and just as he pulled away, Anthony heard a sharp breath followed by multiple coughs and gagging sounds.

"Ian? Oh my god, Ian! You're alive!" Anthony hugged a very pale looking Ian as he gasped for air in his arms.

"What h-happened?" Was the quiet reply that came from the shorter male. "All I remember is standing infront of the pool, because I wanted to end it... and then I stepped forward..." Ian gasped softly as th memories came flooding back. He looked at rock by the poolside amd continued speaking. "I must've tripped over that rock and hit my head..." he rubbed the now-bruusing lump on the back of his head and winced. "And then I'm guessing you did CPR Oh god, I'm so sorry--"

This time, Anthony cut him off. "Don't be. None of this is your fault, so don't be." Anthony hugged him closer to his chest. "I'm just grateful that you're alive,"

And with that, he picked up Ian bridal-style and carried him back to the house. He was just about to open the door, when Ian spoke again.

"One more thing," he added.

"Go on,"

"Did you give me mouth-to-mouth?" Anthony blushed dark red at the memory, and nodded ever so slightly. This seemed to be a good enough answer for Ian, who just smirked before falling asleep in Anthony's arms.
A/N: hi there! I really enjoyed writing this, so please tell me what you thought :) thankayouuu! Peace out ^-^

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