Chapter 2

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Toni's POV

It was a new day of school, yesterday I finally got the courage to talk to Cheryl. I legit think I've had a crush on her since the drag race, she makes me blush, she makes me feel butterflies. Like ugh, what do I do? She hates serpents, which means she hates me, I barely know her. Every time I rant about her, the boys giggle and laugh. It isn't funny, I'm in so deep and I shouldn't be. I just pulled up to school on my bike when I saw her, her hair was flowing in the wind but what I noticed immediately was that she wasn't wearing her signature red lipstick, in fact, she had absolutely no makeup on. She was beautiful, I never thought someone could be so beautiful no matter what they wear. 

I quickly looked away from her and parked, I got off my bike and went inside. I saw Fangs and went over to him, He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked to our lockers. I looked behind me and saw that Cheryl was walking in, our eyes connected and it felt like the world stopped around us. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me, she slowly looked away and went to her locker. I was taken out of my thoughts by Betty running up to me, I looked at her with a confused look, she looked more perky than usual. "You and Cheryl were totally eye-fucking, everyone saw it, so don't even try denying it. When are you going to tell her that you're the mysterious TT? You can't hide it forever, you know." She said as she dragged me to class, I sighed and shook my head. "I'll tell her when the time is right, I wanna get to know her before she knows it's me. Like what if I tell her now and she just runs away? Or slaps the shit out of me? I'd rather her be in the dark than her hate me now, it'll be soon though." I told as we sat down at our desk, I saw Cheryl come in and sit in her normal spot, right in front of me. 

The class was boring, as usual, the only thing I like about it was the fact I could hear Cheryl mumble under her breath when the teacher would mess up some french and then blame it on the talking that literally, no one was doing. Though even though Cheryl was able to entertain me, the class still went on forever. It felt like time was going slower than it was, 'This is why I hate taking languages.' I thought to myself, I shook my head with a sigh and watched the clock. I sigh with relief when the bell rings, we all got up and grabbed our things, heading out the door to our lockers. (SHUT THE FUCK UP, RACHEL A/N) 

Another couple of boring classes passed and we finally made it to lunch, I sat down and looked over at Cheryl's table to see she was already looking at me. I blushed and looked down at my food, I then felt my phone vibrate in my jacket. I reached into my pocket and took out my phone, I smiled seeing it was a message from Cheryl. 

Cherry🍒- How was class, Miss. TT?

Me- It was boring as always, how about you, Cherry?

I looked over and seen Cheryl smiling at her phone, it made me smile too knowing I was the cause of her smile. I felt Fangs poke my cheek and I looked at him, "You're staring and I'm pretty sure she'll notice the drool from across the cafeteria." I slapped the back of his head and looked at my phone again, I didn't even realize she had messaged back. 

Cherry🍒- They were also boring, the whole day has been a drag. You can cheer me up by telling me who you are though..<3

Me- I could, but where's the fun in that, Cherry pop...

I looked back at her and seen her through her head back, you could almost hear the groan of frustration she let out from her table. She looked back at her phone with a pout, just as she was about to respond the bell rang causing her to put her phone in her back pocket. I got up and took care of my trash, before heading to my locker to grab my things for my next lesson. We all headed to class and sadly I didn't have a free period. As I sat in class I watched the clock, this was my last class and I couldn't wait to head home. By the time the bell rang, my mind was filled with different scenarios on what to tell Cheryl and how to tell her I'm "TT". I quickly shot out of the chair and to my locker, dropping everything off and grabbing my keys. I saw Cheryl across the hall doing the same thing as everyone else, she pulled out her phone and I felt mine vibrate. 

Cherry🍒- You're very annoying, has anyone ever told you that?

I laughed quietly to myself, looking back at her to see her gone already. 'Damn she's fast' I thought to myself. 

Me- Maybe once or twice, but don't rush me Cherry pie. 

I turned my phone off and headed outside to my bike, a small smile on my face as I watched Cheryl drive away.



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