Author pov Black pink left the house... Yn pov I was getting ready to meet the most dangerous mafia as in JUNGKOOK my finance When I heard the door bell so I went down to check I saw him JUNGKOOK I panicked and shut the door only to hear him scream and I mentally cursed myself A/pov- poor Y/N 😅 I opened the door only to see him annoyed Jk pov - I rang thr bell and saw a beautiful girl open the door, but the minute she saw me she shut the door on my face,😢 Yn-I'm sorry jungkook Jk-Nah it's fine Yn:- so are we going to get our dress? Jk:- ya! yes Let's go *I was admiring her face when she asked me can we go* Back to yn POV * we got in the car and the full ride was silent to break the silent jungkook spoke* Jk:-so umm....... I am a mafia you know right Y/n:- ya! Yes. *nervous* Jk:-dont go out alone i will tell my body guard to come with you wherever you go Y/n:- why? Jk:- i am mafia I have lots of enemy to protect you from getting hurt because your going to be my wife andy enemy knows it so only *y/n was scared after hearing that * Jk:- why are you not speaking are you scared Y/n:- yes Jk:- oh don't worry Y/n :- what will happen if i get caught by your enemy Jk:- oh nothing much they will threatened you or they will kill you. I am not helping you right? Y/n :- yes Jk :- sorry *After few hours they got back into the car * The dress ⬇⬇
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Y/n:- *he dropped me back* wow I love this dress I want to were it now it self but I can't *I went and kept my dress and I got a massage*
Lisa 💬:- hey ! Y/n💬:- hey! Lisa 💬:- so.. How was it Y/n💬:- oh it was nice he is soft Lisa💬:- are fine?? Y/n💬:- yse why? Lisa💬:- he is scary Y/n 💬:- no he is not. Whatever bye... Lisa💬:- hey wait....... She went ... *y/n changed her dress and went to bed* * Next day * Mom:-wake uppppp y/n you lazy Human Y/n:- ughhh I am up Mom:- go and get ready Y/n:- for what? Mom:- we are meeting jungkook's family Y/n:- for what Mom:- to confirm your wedding date! Y/n:- oh ok i will grt ready wait what's the time? Mom:- it's 12 : 30pm Y/n:- WHAT! Why didn't you wake me up and where is dad? Mom:- well we were buzy and your dad went to meet jk's father Y/n:- oh ok. So when should we go? Mom:- 2 pm Y/n:- ok i will get ready Outfit and makeup ⬇  *At the dinning* (A/n:-Sorry i am lazy) Y/n POV * I sat down and I saw two people were waving hands we went and we sat there our parents started to speak random things* * I felt like some one was staring at me * Jk's mom:- ok y/n the marriage is next week are you both ok? Jk& y/n:- yes!... Jk's dad:- and this is our first son * he pointed at jk's brother the one who was staring at me * ??? :- hi y/n I am jimin take care of my brother he sometimes turns into a child *we all laughed and jk was giving death stare at jimin* *And We all went back home........ * Next chapter coming soon. Bye ☺