The Reveal

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Outside of the pack house. Derek was standing in the middle a group consisting of Scott, Liam, Theo, Isaac, Aiden, Ethan, and Jackson. All were dressed in sweats and other winter work out clothing. The group turned around as Stiles pulled into the front of the house. Hoping out of the Jeep he quickly rushes to join everyone else.

The group all have a look of confusion on their face. Stiles looks confused. "So what's everyone staring at?" He asks.

"let's start with the fact that you're out here with nothing but shorts and a t-shirt on." Jackson states.

Stiles gives himself a once over. "Yea so." He says.

"Dude it's like 45° out here we're all wolves and we're cold!" Scott exclaims.

Stiles rubs the back of his head having to pause for a second. "I- I got used to cold temperatures after Deaton had us take that ice bath that activated the Nemeton." He explains.

Everyone just shrugged there shoulders and turned to Derek. He began to explain that today's training consisted of moving quickly through the woods and stealth training and that the later meeting will be a continuation about the winter creatures that should be showing up soon.

After all the debriefing Derek and the group turned towards the woods. "On the count of three run." Derek grunts.




With that everyone took off into the woods. Everyone jumping over roots and ducking low hanging branches. With a roar Jackson was the first to shift greatly increasing his speed. One by one Everyone followed suit quickening the pace and leaving stiles behind.

Stiles being used to it didn't pay this any mind, until the temperature dropped five degrees and he heard a what sounded like a body hitting a tree and a loud shriek in the distance. Upon hearing that he can feel his nails growing and hair starting to sprout over his body. He jumped into a nearby tree and swung from branch to branch towards the noise.


Deeper into the forest, stood Jackson, Derek, Scott, Aiden, and Issac in protective stances around Liam and Ethan. In front of them was a Golem. A huge creature made of rock, dirt, and grass. The Golem roared taking thundering steps towards  the boys. Derek and Scott lunged for the creature. Slashing their claws along it's body. Jackson and Issac charged forward breaking chunks of the creatures legs off.

Without missing a beat Aiden crashes forward into the beast knocking it over. He wipes the dust off his shoulder and walks off the rest following him. Unbeknownst to the group the creature reassemble having absorbed some of its surroundings. The creature then throws and huge clump of dirt and rock at the group taking out Scott and Derek.

Before the other three can attack the golem a giant white figure crashes from the trees letting out a earth shaking roar. The weight of the creature landing on the floor knocked the remaining of the group into the floor forcing them to look on from the side lines.

The creature stands up from its crouched superhero landing to its full  ten feet tall. It is covered in with fur, it's fingers ended with nails coming to sharp point forming giant claws. It had a silm but muscular build. It growled at the golem before charging forward at the creatue.

To be continued.

And that the end of another chapter I forgot that I really lik writing this. It gives me an outlet from school. I hope yall enjoy the chapter.  Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. Love you guys tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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