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Raider gasped.

Sitting bolt upright in bed, he could still hear the voices of the dead screaming in agony and torment as his dream quickly faded away. This wasn't the first time that he had dreamed of the events of Ziost. And it won't be the last time that he imaged the agony, that those who didn't make it off the planet's surface, faced as the emperor of the Sith devoured all life.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Raider moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Rubbing his face, he sat there staring into nothing for a few moments.

Standing, Raider got dressed. Putting on his armour and his cape that was so tattered he was surprised it was still holding together. Flicking up his hood as he walked out of his room, heading towards the lounge of his private ship, a fury-class Imperial interceptor. No one was around. A quick check of the time confirmed that they still had a couple of hours until they arrived at Darth Marr's location. So, most of his crew were likely still resting before they reach their destination. Reaching the lounge Raider grabbed the nearest drink and poured himself a small glass. Downing the liquid, he felt it burn his throat. He wasn't much of a drinker, but this was the only way he could think of to get rid of his nightmare.

"Ah, master your awake early", came the robotic call of 2V-R8, the ships caretaker. He was designed and created to take care of the ship, from maintenance to cleaning. "As I am sure you are aware, master. The others have yet to awaken, would you like me to wake them up for you?".

"No, R8", Raider replied as he turned to the droid in question. "Anything of interest to report?".

"Andronikos, has yet to retire to his quarters and we will arrive at Darth Marr's location in approximately; six hours".

"I see, thank you. You may go", Raider waved his hand, signalling for the droid to go.

"Very well master", he said before wandering off to continue with whatever tasks he had.

Even though Darth Zash, his former master, was long dead. Raider could never shake the feeling that R8 was watching him closely. Maybe he was just paranoid. He's been playing his game with the empire for a long time now.

Raider never wanted to be a Sith, he hadn't even been born in the imperial empire, nor the republic. He was born into slavery on a Hutt controlled planet and forced to work in a mining camp from the moment he could understand and assist in the mining operations. It was only by chance that while Sith were there to speak to the Hutt in charge, that a collapse in the tunnels occurred. Raider did the only thing he could think of and reached out to prevent the rocks from crushing his fellow slaves.

When he was younger, when his connection to the force began to grow stronger. The older slaves that used to take care of him. Told him that he was never to use it in public. For they had seen what happened to slaves when their sensitivity was revealed, and they were taken and never seen again. Unfortunately, the Sith that were at the camp, took notice. The next thing he knew, he was taken to Korriban, at the age of twenty-one. Where he was to train to become an inquisitor.

No matter what they put him through, what they taught him. Raider refused to give up what he was taught in those dark tunnels. Maybe it was the defiance that grew from a lifetime of torment. Or the story he was told. But he promised himself that he would never betray his morals.

He learned how to appear strong in front of others and display the perfect picture of a true follower of the Sith. But where he could he tried to save as many lives as possible, even if it meant sabotaging the empire and being arrested for treason.

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