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>t w e n t y - t h r e e<

in love? that was so foreign to both eddie and richie, neither expected it, nor did they immediately realize that was the feeling they had been feeling. actually, richie was still to stubborn to admit to himself or anyone else he was in love with eddie. it was different with eddie, admitting it was probably one of the best things he'd ever done.

"i'm in love with him" mike looked over at eddie, before pausing the tv.

"what?" eddie smiled, looking at mike.

"i'm in love with him" mike smiled too, happy for his foster brother. though, he had already figured that out.

"well, you're officially last to know" he joked, eddies eyes widened.

"what?" mike chuckled.

"i'm kidding, i'm sure richie doesn't know." eddie shook his head, richie definitely knew. he had been thinking about it for the past couple days and he had been around richie more than one time.

"is it too early?" mike raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly.

"what do you mean?" he asked, turning his body more to face eddie fully. he was showing eddie that he had his full attention.

"to be in love with him" eddie bit at his lip, looking down at his hands.

"no eddie, there's no such thing as too early when it comes to love." eddie smiled softly, bringing his knees to his chest. he rested his chin on his knee and let his mind wander. mike watched him with a smile.

"why are you looking at me like that?" eddie asked, mike chuckled.

"it's nice to see the people i care about happy. i see richie as a friend whether or not he sees me as one and you're my brother now. i think seeing you guys happy together is enough to make me happy"

eddie smiled widely, he had always wanted a brother.

"you're a good person, mike. i'm glad to have a brother like you" eddies phone beeped and he immediately grabbed it, looking at the notification. a blush broke out on his face.

"let me guess, it's richie?" mike asked. eddie nodded, not looking up at mike as he typed away on his phone.

"whipped" mike whispered, pushing play on the show they were watching. the rest of the night he heard eddie giggling every couple of minutes. eddie was indeed, in love.

the next day, eddie came to school feeling extremely tired. he had spent all night texting richie, when he should've been sleeping.

"you okay?" eddie jumped at the voice in his head, before turning to richie. he smiled at him with a nod.

"just a bit tired."

"i wonder why" eddie glared, hearing amusement in his voice. well, inner voice.

"i can easily stop texting you, don't sound so full of yourself" he replied defensively. richie wrapped his arm around eddies shoulder, pulling him close.

"sure you can" eddie blushed at his action, turning a bit to wrap his arms around richies waist. richie felt his stomach fill with butterflies which he was still not used too.

"he's so warm" eddie thought, richie felt a smile form but he immediately pushed it away. he didn't want to show emotion at school. richie leaned closer to eddies face.

"you're warm too" he whispered, eddie blushed in embarrassment. he almost forgot about richies mind reading. he buried his head into richies chest, hiding his face.

"awwww, look how cute you two are" beverly teased, walking up to the two. richie raised his hand and flipped her off. beverly gasped playfully.

"how rude" she said, laughing softly afterwards. richie could hear everyone's thoughts about seeing the two together but he didn't care what they thought. he was just glad eddie couldn't hear what they were thinking. the bell rung, causing eddie to pull away.

"i have to go, i'll see you later" eddie said, starting to walk away. richie grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"give me your back pack, i'll walk you."

"alright, but what do you need my back pack for?"

"i want to be clique, let me hold it" eddie smiled, letting go off of richies hand and pulling his bag off. he passed it to richie who threw it over his shoulder and grabbed eddies hand again.

"you're so cute" eddie looked up at richie and smiled softly. he didn't know what to say but he didn't need to say anything. richie knew everything he had already thought of replying with.

(a/n: sorry this is a bit shorter than normal)

the psychic and the new kid//reddieWhere stories live. Discover now