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Namjoo slams her butt on the plump cushion. She has been looking out for Kyungsoo everywhere but fails to find him. He wasn't at the hospital either

Somehow Namjoo is worried about him, especially when she knows someone is trying to kill him

Namjoo-Where are you Kyungsoo?

She sighes

Knock! Knock!

She hears knock on the door. Namjoo gets up and walks to the entrance before opening the door. Nobody is outside so she steps out of the door


She sees Kyungsoo leaning against the rooftop wall, looking out blankly. Namjoo approaches him

Namjoo-Hey, where have you been? I looked for you everywhere



Namjoo turns him around to face her. Surprisingly, he has been crying

Namjoo-Kyungsoo, what is the matter?
Kyungsoo-Is it true? Are you.. Are you dead?

Namjoo feels her throat dried up

Kyungsoo-Answer me first

Namjoo cannot mouth another word. She feels choked-up as well. She looks down to her feet before nodding sadly

Namjoo-I'm sorry

Kyungsoo wraps his arms around Namjoo and hugs her tightly

Kyungsoo-You should be reincarnated
Namjoo-Wh.. What?
Kyungsoo-You should stop helping me and focus on your mission instead

Kyungsoo-Listen to me Namjoo. You cannot waste your time on me
Namjoo-Kyungsoo, no

Kyungsoo breaks their last hug

Kyungsoo-Let's not meet again
Namjoo-Please don't

Namjoo cries. But then Kyungsoo lets go of her hands and disappeared into thin air

Namjoo-Kyungsoo? Do Kyungsoo?! No!!!

She wails on the floor, burying her face in her hands and let out a painful cry

Namjoo-Kyungsoo, please come back. Please... Uhuk!


Kyungsoo stands silently at the corner of his room. He watches a guy walking inside with a syringe in his hand. Kyungsoo can already predict what he is going to do

Kyungsoo-You can see me don't you?

The guy stops and turns to him

Guy-I guess so
Kyungsoo-I know your intention
Guy-Good. And you cannot stop me
Kyungsoo-I won't stop you

He smirks at Kyungsoo. He injected the syringe into the drip

Suddenly Kyungsoo feels his chest tightened and he falls unconscious but only for a few seconds. When he wakes up again, he is already somewhere else

Kyungsoo-Ugh! Where am I?

He forces himself to gets up. This place is familiar and different at the same time

'Wait, this is my dream', Kyungsoo monologues

Guy-Too bad I cannot kill you as I wish. So I will do it this way. By killing you in your own dream, there is no way anyone can save you

He laughs devilishly

"I guess you don't count me"

A girl stands beside Kyungsoo

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