Chapter 2

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Emily Pov
I ran inside trying to wipe off my tears because to Matt there was no reason for me to be crying. because he doesn't know. He doesn't know what that whore does to me and to guys. I knew Matt would be at my house any second and he has a key, so I ran to the bathroom and locked it. I quickly fixed myself up and used the restroom. I walked out and Matt was right outside the door. "Emily why'd you run off like that!?!" He yelled. I flinched. He had never yelled at me before. He noticed "Sorry Emi-" "No Matt, your right.. I shouldn't have run off like that. It's just I.. I.. Umm Its just tha-" I cut him off just for him to interrupt. "It's just what?!? What is it Emily?! I was going to invite Chloe to hang out with us, but now you run off and act weird and god you ruin everything!" "GET OUT!" I yelled. I had enough and I was actually scared too. but I managed to yell out with tears "GET OUT MATTHEW I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN! DELETE MY NUMBER, DELETE ANY MEMORY OF US IM DONE!" "Emily stop overreacting you're the one who ran off! Quit being a bitch," That's when I lost it a ran to my room and locked the door, And just screamed and cried. I could hear Matt trying to apologize and open but he couldn't. The rest of the night I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with dry tears on my face and a text message.
C- Way to go whore you made Matt miss our date! Please stop ruining everything and quit being a waste of space. Kill Yourself.
I didn't respond I just deleted it. I got up picked an outfit and took a hot shower and got ready. As I opened the door I hit something or should I say someone.
It was Matt.
"Matt" I tried shoving him to wake him up. I heard him groan and open his eyes. "Emily.. look I'm sorry okay..-" he started but I interrupted. "No Matt it's okay I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran off like that, especially because I had no reason to.." I might have said a white lie or two.. as I continued "I just I got overwhelmed okay and I don't know I'm sorry it was just one of those moments.." as soon as Matt heard that he assumed as always that it was "one of those moments" and knew not to ask any questions. And yeah sure I feel a tad pit guilty for lieing but if he's happy I am too, right? "I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. You know you aren't right? I..I.. just next time tell me okay?" Matt said.
I replied with a quick yeah sure and walked to the kitchen.
"Does a bagel and bacon sound good?" I asked. "Yeah it does!" Matt responded. I slightly laughed at his obsession with bagels. And served his plate.
"So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked.
"Umm actually Chloe and I were gonna do something.." he replied awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh" was simply all that I said.
Knowing Chloe she had probably already plotted my death and the was just the start.
"Y..You can come with if ya want.. I mean to make up for all three of us not hanging yesterday.." He said kinda of hesitant.
"Nah. I'm good maybe next time. Looks like you really want some alone time with her" I smirk then start laughing because his cheeks turn red.

It was now 4:30 in the afternoon. Matt left an hour ago to get ready for his 'date'. Matt just explained how his date was gonna go and I zoned out not wanting to hear about it. I felt guilty doing that but honestly who wants to hear about the date your best friend has planned for the girl who has made your life miserable.
I spent the rest of the day in shorts and a blink 182 tanktop. My mom wasn't home and wouldn't be home till 5 days. There wasn't much to do other than blast music and feel on top of the world or be in a depressed state. One of the many perks of being bipolar. Most of the time I would smoke or drink occasionally whenever Matt and my mom weren't home with me. I wouldn't say I was addicted but it was something I did quite often. Just as I was about to pull out a bottle of vodka Matt texted me he was coming over. To Talk About How His Date Went. GREAT.

AN// sorry if she's different or if this fanfic is. But I hate cliche shit so yeah. And no one is perfect. she's vulnerable and emotionally, I know, deal with it. Anyways thx for reading. I'll try to update ASAP. Ally if you're reading pls txt me ASAP I miss you and I'm truly sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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