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Ten: I'm so excited about my first day of college even though I'm gonna miss my family I'm still happy though and my mom is crying So let me just-

Ten: mom please stop crying your acting like it's my funeral today I'm going to college it's only 4 years

She rolled her eyes and slapped me on the back of my head

"You should be happy I'm worried about you, you ungrateful little shit"

Ten smiled an hugged his mom

Ten: bye mom I love you

Ten was about to walk out of the door when his mom grabbed him

"Make sure you find a nice handsome guy"

Ten: MOM!

His mom laughed and help him load his bags in his sisters car

Ten got in the car and they laughed and joked until they arrived at the airport

"Y-you know I'm gonna miss you I might not show it but I hope your safe and please don't get involved with the wrong people"

Ten smiled and got his bags

Ten: I'll be fine and I'll call you regularly I promise

Ten boarded his plane

Ten: wow it's only three people here I guess I'll sit with someone

Ten walked up to a boy sitting down

Ten: umm can i sit with you cause I kinda don't wanna sit alone

The boy looked up from his phone and glared

"There are literally 2 other people on the plane go sit next to one of them"

Ten rolled his eyes

Ten: asshole

He decided to sit with someone else

"Hi I'm taeyong and you are"

Ten flashes him a big smile

He seems nice

Ten: my name is ten nice to meet you

Taeyong smiled

Taeyong: sooo uh I see you've met my best friend over there

Ten scoffed

Ten: that asshole must of paid you to be his friend

The guy looked up from his phone glaring at ten

Taeyong: sorry about Johnny he's not as bad as he seems

Ten shrugged

Ten: so uhh what brings you here

Taeyong: actually I came to bring Johnny here since he's from Chicago and doesn't know a lick of Korean

Ten scoffed

Ten: I'm Thai and even I learned Korean by now

Taeyong chuckled

Taeyong: oh your a foreigner too

Ten nodded

Ten: oh it's time to get off

I know the flight was short but it would of seemed boring to keep them on the plane for so long

Ten,taeyong,johnny and another person got off the plane

Taeyong: umm I'm giving Johnny a tour around here do you uhh wanna join us

Ten grabbed his bags

Ten: no I'm fine but thanks for the offer

Taeyong bowed

Taeyong: no problem have a save trip. Oh and!

Taeyong pulled out his phone

Taeyong: can I h-have your number please

Ten nodded and they both exchanged numbers

Ten: have a safe trip taeyong

Ten gave Johnny the middle finger before walking off

Ten: alright now to go to my dream college

Ten got on the bus and arrived at the college

Ten: Sm university it's beautiful

Ten walked to the lady at the front desk

Ten: hi my name is-

"Ten right I know here's your schedule and room key room 127"

Wow this college is on top of everything

Ten: I can't wait to see who my roommate is"

He walked inside the room

Ten: huh?

Roommate (johnten)Where stories live. Discover now