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Ebony's POV- 20 years later.
Hey so when last you left the story uncle Jay was waiting for the best moment to propose to Auntie Sam.
Uncle Billy and Auntie Mandy had just got married, Auntie Mandy really wanted a baby.
Auntie Becky and Uncle Jensen, Uncle Aaron and Auntie Ashton, Uncle Nick and Auntie V where all awesome.
Then there's Mom and Dad. My two heroes they really are.
Oh hold on a second I will be right back.

"My name is Ebony Bagans, I've always believed in ghosts.
Myself along with the rest of the next generation will carry on in our parents footsteps and continue the legacy.
With their guiding hands helping us we are now ready to pick up where they left off.
Ready, fearless, these are our Ghost Adventures!"

Right sorry about that. That was me doing the voice over to the brand new season. Where was I?.... Right Mom and Dad they are my heroes they brought me up right, protected me even though sometimes Dad was a little overprotective but who can blame him I'm his baby girl. Mom's showed me how to use and control my powers.
Don't get me wrong there was ups and downs along the way but we all owe a lot to our parents.
Bet you want to know the story of how we all got here don't you? Ok why don't I take you back to my first birthday.... What I can't tell you the whole story I'm a busy girl. You will have to read Book 4 in the Zak and Lucy saga "Bringing up Ebony" to join us on our journey.

Ebony's phone rings.
"Daddy! Yeah it's done... I'm on my way home now... No dad I haven't got a date tonight.... No Dad you don't have to pound on any boys. Ok see you soon I love you Daddy.

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