Chapter 1

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The air surrounding Bianca was hot and stiff, the light radiating from her mirror was burning her skin, making her slightly sweat... Which in the drag world was what was the closest to an apocalypse, seriously, no one wanted to see a clown melting.

If the rooms where they changed were in better states it could be a way more enjoyable process, but who was she to complain? At the end of the day she chose this career, and even though some nights could be rough, it was still her passion.

- "Adore, Bianca, Courtney... "Mike scanned the room before asking slightly panicked, "wait, where is Adore? Anyway you guys are up in five."

- "We'll be ready by then" said Courtney with her thick Aussie accent

- "Bianca, can I please, ask you to find Adore? I still have so much to do before the opening..."

The old drag queen rolled her eyes before nodding while putting her lash on...Which, as you can imagine required a lot of coordination, but again she had been in the field for so long, and her hands were as quick as her tongue.

- "I told you the bitch couldn't read, she must've confused the toilet with the dressing room and stayed there because of the big ass mirror."

- "I mean I can't blame her, you've seen the state of the dressing room?"

On her way out, Bianca took a closer look at the room where they changed: the walls were filled with mold and the makeup stations were so close to one another that she could probably smell Courtney panties if her nostrils weren't filled with Botox. The bar where they were meant to perform was, on the other hand, huge and well taken care of. It even seemed to have been renovated a couple years ago, but of course, the renovations didn't include the dressing room, which was pathetic... It sadly wasn't rare, especially in States where the drag scene wasn't really developed. Yet again, she wouldn't have turned down this offer, she actually rarely turned down work, it was her philosophy: "say yes to every opportunity", and even though it could be draining mentally and physically, it seemed to work well. At 44 years old she was thriving: she toured the world, had her own show, formed a bond with people that she never thought she could form a bond with, was financially secure, and most of all won the Olympic of Drag. If someone had told her couple years prior that she could make money doing what she did best: hating on people, she most certainly would have called the person a cunt and returned to her sewing machine. But here we were in the 21st century where people payed money to be insulted, when she was young incestuous uncles did it for FREE, times were changing she thought.

As she entered the ridiculously huge bathroom, she realized that she hadn't really talked to Adore for at least a week or two. Nothing was wrong between them, or at least she hoped, she was way too old for some bickering bullshit. The only rational reason she could think of for this silence was work. They both had been busy: Adore was preparing for All Stars 2 whereas Bianca was just Bianca, and that justified her busy schedule, she didn't even remember the last time she slept in something else than a hotel bed or an airplane.

She was prepared to yell Adore's name when the young queen unlocked herself from one of the small toilets. She was wearing her insanely high red boots that would have easily been mistaken for Lola's in Kinky Boots, and a long sequins dress that actually was more of a shirt. She looked great. However, something bothered Bianca, she just couldn't put her finger on what just yet.

- "There you are ! What took you so fucking long? Cinching your hog body?" Bianca said.

The old queen wasn't really looking at Adore when the joke escaped her mouth, she was trying to pin her wig because it didn't really feel secure. However, when she didn't hear any cynical response from the young queen her focus changed.

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