Chapter 4

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 Hours had gone by. The afternoon had passed, and the evening had come, the usual arrange of colour taking its place in the sky, warm sunlight from the setting sun covering the deck, and you; still standing in the same stance from twelve hours prior. Yes, you have been meditation for twelve hours flat, in a dream-like state, but not sleeping. In fact, you were working extremely hard at mind, almost working in overdrive. But you slowed down, remembering you had all the time today to do this, unlike your quick hour meditations you used to do back when you were stuck on that island. Quick because if you were caught, well, who knows what would have happened. It was great to finally have time for such a thing. The only reason you finally stopped though, was the gentle tap you received on your leg that drew your attention back to reality.

"_______. It's getting late. Perhaps you should eat?" Kid's voice rang out.

Slowly opening your eyes, you lowered your arms and returned to a normal stance, turning around to face Kid with a relaxed smile. "Yeah, you're probably right." You nodded. "But perhaps, could you or someone else prepare dinner? Holding that pose for twelve hours straight is really tiring." You added, your smile turning into an almost guilty one.

Kid chuckled. "Of course. You're on break after all."

"God, don't mention that word. It sounds so... lazy. Call it free slack. It sounds more fitting for me." You directed jokingly, hopping off the railing.

"Tch, yes ma'am." Kid responded with a dorky tone.

Shaking your head, you began to proceed to the kitchen, Kid following behind you.

"By the way Kid, thanks. I've never had time to think and meditate like that ever. I feel so refreshed, even though I'm mentally exhausted. It's still just awesome." You stated.

"You're welcome. Told you ya need some tome to yourself. I bet you thought about the treasure and some radical plan to obtain it during that time frame." Kid commented.

"As a matter of fact, I did. We're going to blow EVERYTHING up!" You laughed, actually being quite serious.

"Of course you thought that! Now come on. I forced Killer to make dinner. It should be ready soon." Kid ushered, stepping ahead and pushing the door open for you.

With that, you proceeded on in and was welcomed with a huge plate of pizza, cooked by Killer, which was quite the surprise. You issued a smart remark on how you didn't know he could cook, and told him he should take your place in the kitchen for a change. He chuckled dryly and said that may not be a good idea, and insisted you do more of the cooking. He didn't escape that comment without getting a slight insult about it, causing a few chuckles around the room. You said you would still cook during your time so there would be no suffering from food, also adding on a thanks for covering you while you were out for the past twelve hours.

There was the topic of you doing that, and they all asked how your break was. You of course responded with amazing, and thanked them greatly for convincing you to do so. This only made them smile in response, followed by a childish told you so.

With a simple wave, you brushed the comment off and finished your dinner. Then, you announced that you would be taking your leave for bed, as you were tired as hell from the mental and slight physical workout. Of course, they complained, seeing as it was only around eight, which was far from the normal time you went to bed. But, they got the message and let you go. Just as you had gotten up to go, you made eye contact with Kid, and he gave you a look of concern. Ah, the dreams. He's worried about you having another one. You gave his gaze a reassuring nod and smile, showing that you would be alright. When his gaze softened, you finally turned the knob on the door and left, taking yourself down to your room where you threw your straps and clothes off into a random corner of the room, slipping on a nightgown quickly before flopping down into your bed and passing out into a deep sleep; one that felt so amazing and earned from your wondrous day today.

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