𝙼𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚢 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑

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"Welcome back readers after a long hold" Ailith said looking at nowhere in particular

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"Welcome back readers after a long hold" Ailith said looking at nowhere in particular. She readjust Be'el into a more comfortable position trying not to wake him. They had just put him to sleep not too long ago —well Ailith was the one to put him to sleep.

"Eh? Who are you talking to? Readers?" Tatsumi asks in a loud whisper. Ailith shushes him placing her index finger on his lips.

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't get it idiot" she huffs and rocks Be'el slightly.

"SO WE ARENT GOING TO DISCUSS WHAT ALMOST HAPPENED B-" Furuichi was cut off by a foot colliding into his face.

"Shut up You idiot! We don't want to make him cry" Tatsumi shoves his hand over Furuichi's slightly bruised face. Two guys who were threatening each other rather loudly came stomping towards the group. Before they can get any louder Tatsumi forcefully place his index finger on each of their lips.

"You're going to make him cry! You dumbasses" but it was too late Be'el already started hiccuping with tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, it's okay" Ailith tries to calm him down but electricity was already filling the air. All of them let out a pain filled scream.

Ailith felt like every cell in her body was burnt to a crisp and screaming in agony

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Ailith felt like every cell in her body was burnt to a crisp and screaming in agony. Be'el was squealing at Tatsumi for attention giving Ailith a much need break from using her muscles.

"Damn, I think I know how a French fry feels" Ailith whines as she tries to move as little as possible. The pain was becoming bearable but it still hurt like a bitch.

"Anyway, all we can do for now is keep him distracted" Tatsumi said steam still coming off him.

Furuichi abruptly sat up and glares at the other boy.
"'We' my ass! Don't go mixing me up in this!" Tatsumi and Ailith completely shrugs off his refusal.

"We're your only friends, so you're automatically involved Furu-chan" Ailith was wearing a mocking grin knowing she was right. He grimace slightly.

"Ai seems like she best at distracting the brat so she can watch over him" Tatsumi said with a hidden smile on his face. His thoughts were so clear as to why he was smiling at her with that smile.

"But it seems like he's more attached to you Tatsu" Ailith pointed to Be'el who was gripping onto Tatsumi shirt like his life depended on it.

"HAVE YOU TWO FORGOTTEN WHERE WE ARE? This is Ishiyama High, the worst school in the entire country! We're 120% grade A delinquents!" Furuichi looks at the teenagers in disbelief. Ailith looks at the white haired teen slightly offended.

"For your information Furuichi, I am only 80% delinquent and I can distract a kid no matter the location" she huffs as she takes out her semi-damaged console. This caught Be'el attention as he was immediately on the girl's lap. Which cause a smug look to appear on her face.

Delinquent A walks in the classroom wondering why it was somewhat quiet in the class. "What's wrong?" Delinquent A asks delinquent B and C.

"Mizuki and Oga brought their secret love child to school" delinquent B said to delinquent who was utterly shocked.

"A BABY?!" this startled the green haired baby causing him to cling to Ailith. He was about to burst out into tears but Mommy Ailith was somewhat prepared. She covers her eyes for about five seconds and uncovers them with a cheery " Peek-a-boo".

The classroom got dead silent which cause Ailith to sweat slightly wondering if it worked. Be'el stares at her then start clapping his hands in glee. She sighs in relief and gaze Tatsumi a pointed gaze saying "kill those unnamed side characters".

"Already on it" he crack his knuckles and walk towards the unimportant side characters. He had his signature devil smile on. Be'el let out happy gurgles as Tatsumi beats up the ugly side characters.

"Welp folks this is all for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed next chapter probably coming soon" Ailith said waving to the readers. Baby Be'el look at her slightly confused.

"Don't worry Be'el you'll understand once you grow up" Be'el just shrugs and went back to cheering Tatsumi on.

𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹 𝗢𝗳 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 (𝗕𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗹𝗲𝗯𝘂𝗯 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰)Where stories live. Discover now