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Sparrows pov

"Well she told me the story but I still forced her here I mean who doesn't like to party?" I asked

"Well I think we all like too party but__" said Stella

"Nope no buts now let's get out to that dance floor and get wasted!!!"

"All right there's a girl I like !" Said steel

"I know. I'm just that fabulous"

"Um no I'm fabulous bitch"

"Um you want to go there steel because I will gladly kick your ass in no time out on that dance floor." I said laughing

"Um no you can't because you can't hit a girl mwhahahahahahahahahahah! "

"Oh so I'm the guy now okay I think I like that twist but I already have a dick do you have vigina?"

"Um that's none ya okay yes I do"

We all were laughing by then. God I love friends I was missing out on so much. Stella said she was going to go get drinks with steel so that left me and Kyle alone. For some reason I think they planed this.

" Soooooo why isn't Amelia here? I thought she was Steels gf." I asked trying not to get into any weird conversations.

"Well she got grounded because of something. I don't know how it happened."

" Well don't you have a girlfriend I mean aren't you the badass of the school or something? But if you were that would mean that all those plastics would want to try to improve there status. "

"Um sure? But I don't like any of those girls I like someone else."

"Oohs you have to tell me who it is I promise I won't tell anyone please."

"No because she dosent like me as a friend or I'm sure she won't love me back."

"Oh come one if you tell me then I could go and ask her and most likely she would say yes then I could tell you then you could ask her out then you live happily ever after"

"Ya it dosent work that way",

"Why not, I mean you have the looks and everything so why not just ask her ?"

"Hey guys you want a drink?" Steel came by already drunk somehow

"How do you mange to get drunk with in a matter of minutes?" I asle him

"Because I'm fucking boss that's why"

"Dumb ass"


"Hey is for horses now let's go dance"

After a while of dancing me and Stella went to go change dresses some thing smaller that would be ever to dance in the ones we had before were just to long. The new one I got is a deep blue with a flowery black lace around it . Stella's is a cute pink and black one.

"Why do girls change every chance they get?" Kyle asked when we got back

" Because we are never comfortable. I don't know," I said well.

"Hey" said a small voice

"Who's this?" I ask

"Stella sparrow this is my girlfriend Amelia " said steel

"OH MY GOSH YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!!! WHAT THE HELL WHAT TYPE OF FRIEND DOES THAT?!? Oh my I'm sorry my name is sparrow" I say completely upset that steel didn't tell me the news.

"I'm Stella."

"I'm Kyle but you already know that,"
"Well now that we're all here why don't we party? ITS PARTY TIME !!!!After me and Stella partied for a while we went and changed into new dresses the other ones got in our way( news ones to the side )

"Why do girls change with every chance they get?" Stell asked me when we got back.

"Why do boys think there better than me?"

"Touchy "

"Well I'm going to go and talk to that girl over there at the bar she looks lonely and could use a pick me up" I said to them all them all then left.

"Hey" I said to the girl once I got up there " why such a lone face?"

"Because my x dumbed me for some skank of a whore"she replied venomously

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear that her probably lost a very awesome girl."

"Well not really I don't talk much only when I'm drunk or high on candy"

"Wel you should meet my friends you seem like our type ."

"O okay why the hell not I have nothing better to do"


" Hi I'm Stella"



"Kyle the sexy one of this group "

"No I am " Stella said

"No buddy sorry I am "





"OH by the way I. Sparrow" I said to her

" I'm Jade"

"Well Jade welcome to the crazy ones"

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