love? like? obsession?

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Boys P.O.V.

We see her breathing hard sweaty and sexy

She was looking hella hot!

We see her smiling and talking to york

THAT Lucky Bastard!

He even gave her his water bottle !

Our girls come to us but imidiatly glare at Y/N as she see ud looking at her

They hug us to distract us

We see her going to changing room and we see joy and ahin went somewhere

Y/N P.O.V.

I changed my dress and i see my other cloth in my locker which i forgot to bring hom 2 days ago

I had brought and put them in here i stuff them in my bag and went out changing my cloths in to which i had wear before

I went out of changing room and see york smile there waiting for me he had changed in gray pants and black

I THINK he Love black and gry i smile and walk to him

But suddenly i feel cold on my left side and i yelp

I turn my face to see joy and ahin's angry faces

Joy- This Is what you Got for Flirting WithOur BOYS!!

Y/N:- are MAD OR WhAt???

I was really angry and about to git her But


" Don't ever rise your filthy hands at anyone!! , and if you did then you'll  see my dead face!"

My breath got stuck

I glup and look at them angrily they were smirking now and then suddenly joy take my hand and push herself

Make it look like i push her and she fall

She start drama and fake crying

Wandy- you Bitch why Did You hit Her?

York- stop it she didn't do anything!!

Irene- who asked you looser!

Nancy- i am sure everyone see it That SHE PUSH JOY RIGHT ?

no body say anything

Teacher- nancy she..

Irene glare at teacher

Tazuyu- i thought you want this Job!

No body say anything when

Speaker - Miss Y/N come to principal's office immediately!   I repeat miss Y/N  come to principal's office!

I squint my eyebrows and look at york he was looking at me with sympathy i look down and then start walking towards door to go to principal's office

I see exo looking at me with worry but i look away from them

And walk to office and knock he answerd

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