Hanging out

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Kaito and Y/n finally arrived and Kaito's dorm.
Y/n was reall curious, not really expecting much inside. But when Kaito unlocked his door and opened it, Y/n almost gasped.
Kaitos room was so colorful and amazing. It had a star projector, making everything covered in a beautiful galaxy pattern. He also had alot of NASA posters and merch on a wall, which looked amazing. There was also a large bed, maybe a queen sized one, covered in space themed everything. From blankets to plushies, he had absolutely everything you could imagine on there. Kaito even had a small desk in one of the corners. It had a wheeled chair near it, a purplish-black lamp, some papers, and a framed photo.

Kaito: "Well? You ready to hang out for a little-"

Y/n: "Oh my god its so beautiful! All of your decor and the vibe it gives off is so great!"

Kaito started to blush a little, for he has never had his room complimented before. They both looked in the room one more time and walked in.
They sat themselves down on his really squishy bed, then Kaito started to talk.
Kaito: "So Y/n...what do you want to talk about? Anything new going on in your life?"

Y/n: "Well, nothing too special. Except for the fact that Im dating my dream boyfriend now."

Kaito: "Heheh, wait. Your what?"

Y/n: "Eheh, yeah. Ive had a crush on you for a pretty long time as well."

Kaito: "Woah, I never knew that! Thats nice to hear."

Y/n: *does a cute giggle*

Kaito: "Aww! Your giggle sounds so cute!"

Y/n: *does another giggle due to being flustered*

Kaito: "Oh my god! Its wayyyy too cute!"

Kaito's POV:

I really cannot believe this. Im finally getting to be their boyfriend. After bottling that emotion for such a long time, this feels really good. Y'know, to set certain emotions free. Seeing them happy makes me happy. Especially hearing thier giggle. I love their giggle.

Apparently I was lost in my thoughts because all I randomly heard was Y/n screaming "KAITO! KAITOOO! EARTH TO KAITO! MR KAITO MOMOTA! HELLOOO??"
I quickly snapped into my senses and said, "Ah, sorry Y/n."
I couldnt help it, Ive fallen. Ive fallen pretty hard.

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