Chapter 10

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it was a day after the fight all I could think about was how Hawk didn't win I know, I know I should be happy we won but like I feel sorta bad anyways it was Thursday so I had to go to school so I just got in the shower and once I was done and dried off I put on a black ripndip crop top with white Nike sweats i put on black Nike socks then my white vans then the rest of my morning routine


I was sitting with yasmine she had just got back like a couple weeks ago (yes I know the big ass fight hasn't started I just had an idea for this part and wanted to do it😃) then we saw Demetri come over with some big blanket or whatever covering something he set it down and began talking to yasmine about he then pulled it off and told her to press the egg and when she did steam came out I had to admit it was pretty cool but I decided to pay no attention to it and went on my phone I realized I had a text from Robby

Robby😫💯: hey, I was wondering if u wanted to hang out or something after school if u want to?

5 minutes ago

y/n: sur-

before I could continue texting A BALL HIT MY FUCKING HEAD and me being the crazy bitch I am I said " WHAT THE FUCK" then I noticed Demetri's lego thing was ruined and the lego's were everywhere and Demetri looked disappointed then he noticed Hawk and his friends were laughing their god damn fat asses off that's when I stood up and said "u idiot ur god damn ball hit me and fucking destroyed Demetri's lego thing" Demetri the spoke up and said " that took me 3 weeks to build" hawk then said "and it too me 3 seconds to destroy" my phone rang interrupting everyone glaring at each other I noticed it was Robby

Robby: sooo do u want to or?

Y/n: oh yeah of course I'll see u after school

Robby: ok see u then

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