Author Notes

68 14 11

Hello! And welcome to another bit of my self-indulgent whimsy and madness.

This is an entry into 2021's Open Novella Contest, and an overdue promise to inkwellheart and RosieRoo689 . It's a mythpunk take on Beauty and the Beast, where the Beast is a proper French lord with such sensibilities, Belle is a reader of the Enlightenment and has a dark Machiavellian streak, and Gaston has PTSD. And the Enchantress gets proper showing as a real villain, because that's seriously overdue.

I'm also taking this project as an exercise in rhythm. The Enchantress' prologue has alternating rhyming schemes, Gaston will be written in iambic pentameter, and Belle's narrative will be as solid an imitation of Jane Austin as I can manage. Because I'm trying to get back to the reason I came to Wattpad in the first place, which was to make audacious mistakes and stretch my literary skills.

So, if you'll bear with me, let's see how this one goes.

And as always, your time is a gift.

Thank you

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