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-6:30am-  my alarm goes off, I take a minute to realize that it is in fact my alarm going off and not just funky dream music. I turn the alarm off, sit up and stretch. Giving myself an other couple off minutes to fully wake up. I finally get up and head for a shower. I get into the bathroom just ready to strip when my brother Knocks on the door.
"Sarah, are you going to shower?"
"Em yeah I was, why?"
"Well it's gonna be a cold one cause they'res no hot water"
"What why not?"
"Well I mean do you have a job?"
I pause for a second, although used to my brothers passive agressive bullshit  I'm taken a back. I open the door to talk to him
"Exactly" he says as he starts to walk away
"...what...what does that mean?"
"I didn't pay the bill, I'll get on it though alright" he says as he walks down the stairs and out the front door.
"Bye to you too!"  I sigh
My brother Andrew, although he is a bit off a tool he's always looked after me since I was little and I'm so grateful, without him stepping up and  being a parent and getting a job at the diner near the school we would be homeless or maybe even dead. I go back into the bathroom and wash my hair in the sink before heading back to my room. I have so much time to spare since I didn't shower so I dry my hair and get ready. I put on a white tank top, camo shirt, jeans and white shoes. Since I have almost 2 hours before school I decide to go a walk maybe to the mall? I dunno yet. I leave the house and head towards the mall before I realize... Nothing will be open, fuck it I'll go to the dinner and see Andrew after about 10 or 20 minutes I get to the diner, my brother works at the register so I look there but he's not there, that's werid I walk in and see the manager sitting at a table in the back looking at a book. I go over and sit across from him. He looks suprised to see me
"Hey Sarah. what are you doing here. I haven't seen you in so long!" He looks genuinely happy to see me.
"Hey Miles, I'm just here to see Andrew why isn't he at the till?"
"Andrew?...Andrew haven't worked here in...maybe 3 weeks" I feel my smile drop and a pit off rage in my stomach
"What! Did you fire him?!" I say so loud that if there where customers in this early they would all be staring at me,
"God no, you know I wouldn't do that, you know how all the highschool girls loved him I got so much business with him but he quit, I just assumed he'd tell you"
"Bastered! I thought he would too" I slump down
"Can I use your phone?"
"Of course love, it's in the back"
"Sorry for yelling" I say as I get up and head for the back. Phoning my brother it takes 3 tries before he answers
"....." He doesn't say anything when he answers
"Hello, who's this?"
"Who's this? It's Sarah, you know your sister who you lied too?"
"What? Uh look I don't have time for this I'm busy I'm working"
"Oh you're working?"
"At the diner?"
"Yes what do you want"
"You liar, you quit your job"
"....what no I didn't...I'm there rn"
"Stop fucking lying to me I'm in the diner right now!"
"Shit...look Sarah I am really busy, well talk later"
"No Andrew why did you lie to me? How are you busy?"
"Andrew let's get a move on!" I hear in the background
"Andrew what's going on!"
"Look Sarah! We'll talk about it later okay!... I love you" he hangs up
Pissed off I slam the phone into the wall and go back and sit with miles still angry
"Did you break that phone?"
I just look at him
"Are you alright" I look at him and before I get a chance to speak I hurt out in tears and bury by face into my hands.
"Oh my sweet" miles gets up and sits beside me and wraps his arms around me, miles is much older then my brother but I felt really close to him as my brother has worked here for years
I cuddle close into him
"I'm just so angry! Why would he lie to me? Why wouldn't he just tell me? We where meant to be in this together that's all he's ever said to me but he just lies I'm so hurt"
"It's alright, my sweet. I'm sure he had a good reason to not tell you. You're brother loves you and he'll just be tryna protect you"
"But he doesn't need to protect me I'm not a child"
"I know you're a beautiful woman" I laugh a lil when he says that
"But you're his baby sister. Now come on. No more tears"
I look up to him as he puts his hands on the side off my cheeks and wipes my eyes. Looking up into his eyes the world disapieres and everything is silent and before I even realize what's going on he leans in and kisses me I feel my cheeks go red. The kiss turns into pure passion, he pulls away for a second and all I can think is why this was so nice. He stands up and grabs my hand and takes me into the back room, my heart beating so fast I can practically feel it In my ears. He picks me up and sits me on the desk, I wrap my legs around him and pull him closer to me. He smirks a lil and whispers in my ear
"You're so perfect" this sends goosebumps all over my body. He kisses me again as he does it I feel his hand rub up and down my thigh just before he takes my shirt off while still kissing me. I feel him to go push me on the desk but just before that... The door creaks open and a thud is heard. I look over and see a back and then a woman before I can say anything to miles she speaks
"M..miles" her voice shakes and so do I, miles jumps away from me
"Mell I isn't what it looks like"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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