The Twosome

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The reporter starts the interview.

"Good morning. I'm Linda R. Porter, reporting for Caliosteo TV. With the Caliosteo Cup under way, we have an exclusive interview with two of the Fighters. These undefeated child prodigies are on a stunning run of victories across multiple Fossil Fighting tournaments. They're also the heirs to a multinational corporation that produces a wide range of goods for Fighters. They're the prince and princess of FossilDig Inc. and the talk of every Fighter in town! Ladies and gentlemen... Say hello to Rupert and Laura! Rupert, Laura, let's get right to it: Do you feel confident about wining the Caliosteo Cup?" Linda asks.

Rupert nods. "Oh yes, quite. There's little point in entering a competition if one does not expect to win."

"Yes, my brother always says my mind." I say.

"Spoken like true champions. There is little doubt these young competitors has sipped oft from the cup of victory. Were any other Fighter to say as much, we might accuse them of hubris. But from Rupert, and Laura, it is fact. Will this title come to them as have all the others? Or will a new hero emerge to challenge the boy and girl geniuses? One thing is clear: all eyes will be in the Caliosteo Cup! Oh, and we've been asked by the organizers to pass a message along to our viewers. Despite their fame, at the end of the day, Rupert and Laura are still a competitor entered in the Cup. Though you may be smitten by their roguish charm, please do not mob them or try to steal locks of their hair. Any entrants found to be annoying Rupert and Laura in such a manner may be subject to disqualification. And that's all the time we've got. For Caliosteo TV, this is Linda R. Porter saying good day, and good fortune."

Everybody walks off, and I here Rupert murmur "Idiocy."

"It is." I reply.

We walk towards the edge of the lake.

I see the same Fighters at the back of the group come up to us.

"Hey! What say you and me have a good old-fashioned Fossil Battle?! You know that excited feeling you get when you meet a tough Fighter? Well, I have it! You like Fossil Battles, and know that feeling. So let's have some fun!" Says the one in green.

Rupert shakes his head. "Please go amuse yourself elsewhere. I don't have time to waist on the likes of you." Rupert says coldly. He starts talking again.

" 'Let's have fun'? 'Excited feeling'? Such disgusting treacle is enough to make my porridge come up! Frankly, I abhor having to associate with Fighters such as yourself. If you wish to face us in a Fossil Battle, you must win your way to our standing in the tournament. Of course, there's no chance of that happening. ...Now run along and take your sad vivosaurs with you."

He bursts into rage. "Wh-what?! How dare you! You don't have any idea how talented I am! I think you're just chicken. Baaawk bawk bawk!"

"So you demand satisfaction, do you? Very well. If it will keep you from stalking me in the future... Once I show you what a true Fossil Battle is like, you can run home and tell Mommy all about it."

Battle starts.

One snap from a Raja is all it takes to fail. 146 damage in one hit. The winner is... Rupert.

"I lost. ...I lost a LOT." The one in green squeaks.

"Truly pathetic. Are you even paying attention to the elemental type of your vivosaurs?" Rupert asks.

"...Elemental type?" Todd replies.

How does he not know.

"Oh, this is indeed sad. To think that a Fighter who knows nothing about elemental types... Oh, very well. Pay attention!"

Rupert tells them how to use the elements to our advantage (look it up if you need to).

The guy in blue steps up towards Rupert.

"Oh, come now. What is this nonsense? Must I truly battle every slack-jawed yokel who sinks into view? Enough! I'll not spend one more second on this madness. I say good day, sir!" Rupert walks off. I follow him.

We go around the giant skull by the lake.

"These Fighters know nothing." I say to Rupert.

"No. I thought they would be smarter." He responds.

We get a message about who is facing us in the Caliosteo Cup.

I go to Ribular Town and someone calls my name. It's those two kids that challenged Rupert a few minutes ago. The one in green steps up.

"Hey, Laura, do you want to Fossil Battle? I got a better Vivosaur now, and I think I can beat you!"

"Very well... I will give you a warning. I am a lot stronger than my brother. Also... what is your name?" I ask.

"Todd." He responds.

"Well Todd..." Like on command, Acro comes jumping out. "Acro is one of my most powerful Vivosaurs. The other-" Mapo jumps out. "Is Mapo."

"Bring it on Laura!!! I know elemental advantages now!" Todd yells.

"Be warned. My Acro is a high rank."

The setup is like normal. Acro is in the first spot up front. Mapo is at the edge. My speed is somehow higher and I move Mapo into the back position.

Like I expected, Todd's Stego moved into the first space in the front to target my Mapo. He uses Spike Tail and lands a 27 hit on Mapo. I move Acro in range and use Acro Bite. It instantly sends in back into his Dino Meddle.

"Good job, Laura." Rupert slinks over from behind a tree. "Acro is nice and powerful."

"Both of them are rank seven." I give him a small hug.

I here Todd scream with total rage.

"Calm down, Todd. You don't have to be so apoplectic." I say.

"Apople- what?" He questions.

Rupert laughs. "Apoplectic. She means angry."

Todd yells again. "I ever win do I?!"

"Well," I face Rupert. "Time for our battle."

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